Daily Archives: July 2, 2012

Monsanto,chemtrails and BP : they share a secret

They all sleep together

Let’s take a look at the big picture even though it’s too big for us

British Petroleum is controlled by the Rothschilds (Goldman Sachs, Shell Oil), Rockefellers (Standard Oil-which sold holdings to BP) and Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands (Royal Dutch Shell).

“In 1954 the Anglo- Iranian Oil Company changed its name to British Petroleum and became an international consortium that shared profits with Iran at a 50-50 split. The company was 40% owned by Iran, 40% owned by 5 American companies and 20% owned by Royal Dutch Shell and the French Petroleum Company. No Iranians were allowed on the Board of Directors or to audit the company. The 5 American companies include Exxon (Rockefeller), Gulf Oil (Mellon), Mobil (Rockefeller), Standard Oil (Rockefeller) and Texaco (George Bush); all of which were controlled, merged or or owned by parent companies affiliated with the Rockefeller family over time.”

Getting the picture? Goldman Sachs, the bankers for BP and Shell Oil (and their subsidiary Todd Energy here in NZ) now have control over at least 50% of NZ media, the domestic rail network and soon a company that will allow any of those oil companies to ship/ hide their own toxic waste – and last but not least, they own most of our Government.

Read more….

Sadly it is criminals investigating criminals…..You can’t rely on the gov to do the right thing, they are controlled themselvees….Look into who owns what …..

Examine the evidence:

* BP CEO Hayward sold L1.4M shares of BP stock three weeks before the oil ‘event’[2] on the Deepwater Horizon in the Gulf of Mexico.

* Goldman Sachs sold $250M of BP stock three weeks before the event, and shorted Transocean just days before the catastrophe.

* BP, Transocean, and Halliburton ignored tests indicating faulty safety equipment hours before the rig catastrophe occurred.

* Halliburton was on rig twenty hours before collapse. Rig workers reported “unknown persons working that day.”  

* Obama dispatched “SWAT teams” to the rig area “to investigate the cause of the disaster.”

* Halliburton acquired cleanup company Boots & Coots just before the explosion on 9 April 2010.

* The EPA ordered BP and Hayward to halt all Corexit dispersant dumping. Corexit 9500A is four times as toxic as oil, and disperses to aerosol form, mixing with air clouds and rain. Corexit kills all life from protozoa and earthworms to people.

* BP refused to halt the dumping of Corexit. Oil alone will kill macro sea life but is cleaned up naturally and biomes recover.

* Other oil dispersants abound that are non-toxic and more effective than Corexit 9500A.

* Corexit is manufactured by Nalco, whose board includes at least one BP director.

* There is a massive coverup and info-freeze underway.

Further Background:

* Patriots and constitution supporters have superceded 40% of the population in a great awakening.

* Brzezinski warned, at the recent Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) meeting, that a “global political awakening,” in combination with infighting amongst the elite, was threatening to derail the move toward a one world government.

* World order is a long-standing well known goal of CFR, the World Trade Organization (WTO), the TriLateral Commission (TLC), World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations (UN), and more organizations.

* Rockefeller founded and controls the majority of these world order organizations.

* Rockefeller owns Exxon (Standard Oil); queen of Nederland owns BP; queen of England owns Shell Oil controlling share 40%; queen of Nederland owns Royal Dutch Shell.

* Rothschild owns Goldman Sachs.

* Rockefeller owns JP Morgan Chase. JP Morgan owns controlling share of the Federal Reserve Bank. [3]

* Rockefeller owns every major (transnational) pharmaceutical company. [3]

* Rockefeller owns the cancer industry and core medical information technology, including the data sheets every office and doctor uses.[3]

* Rockefeller owns ConAgra (the power grid infrastructure for the northeastern North American continent.)

* Rockefeller, queens, Windsors, and Rothschilds, all “first tier families”, dictate to the second and third tier families, who carry out their objectives. These are families like the Bushes, Harrimans, Belmonts, Loebs, and so on. Some function as high level henchmen (George Bush Sr and Jr and Rumsfeld who is CEO of Monsanto) and others function as money handlers and investment brokers (Belmont and Loeb, for example.)[3] They all use outright psychopaths and genocidists like Henry Kissinger and Richard Cheney for precisely those purposes.

Goldman Sachs is considering breaking up the $2bn (£1.3bn) sale of the Swedish oil group owned by the Saudi billionaire Mohammed al-Amoudi.

It is understood that most potential bidders, possibly including the UK pair BP and Shell, for Svenska Petroleum Exploration’s assets are not interested in the whole group, due to its broad geographic spread. The company has offshore production and exploration fields in five west African countries, the Norwegian North Sea and Latvia.

An industry source said that bidders, which include private-equity players keen on cashing in on the growing African oil and gas market, had expressed interest in individual countries and regions.

This is thought to be causing Goldman and Mr Amoudi to rethink, as they are likely to garner a higher overall price tag by selling the group off in chunks. The African assets could go in one lump, or they could also easily be divided by the countries, which include the Ivory Coast, Nigeria and Angola.

A leading African oil player said: “The [west African] fields might make an interesting package for private equity as they could buy them out and build them into a big company.”

It is possible oil giant Royal Dutch Shell could be interested in these fields, as it is looking to grow in the continent. However, a source close to the company said a decision on a bid would not be dependent on whether Shell fails in its bid for London-listed Cove Energy, which it is eyeing up to bulk up its presence in east Africa.

Last week, Shell’s £1.12bn offer for Cove, which holds an 8.5 per cent stake in massive natural gas field off the coast of Mozambique, was trumped by Thailand’s PTT. Shell is considering whether it should make a counter-offer, though there are other options in east Africa, which is considered the world’s hottest oil and gas exploration area.

The source close to Shell warned that “pride” was at stake and that Shell was unlikely to accept defeat, suggesting that Cove could eventually go for a hugely generous price.

Ethiopia-born Mr Amoudi will hope the interest in east Africa, which includes a stake in a field discovered by Italy’s Eni, could spark further interest in the Svenska auction.

John Key can also be traced back to Goldman Sachs which he once actually worked for. A Google search for John Key and Goldman Sachs reveals reputable sources showing their close relationship over time. Goldman Sachs is also looking after John Key’s new convention centre finance as well as other Kiwi asset sales.

BP, Shell and Todd Energy can be proven to be involved/ behind EVERY oil and gas company with interests in New Zealand – not least of which is TAG Oil who have the rights to drill up the Canterbury basin and whose share price quadrupled on the news of the first ChCh earthquake (Canadian stock exchange). With their extensive history of destroying environments and communities around the Globe (from Angola to Nigeria and Iraq, Libya and possibly soon Syria), these three oil and gas Nazi’s are very careful to use ‘small’ third party oil companies that they own with unrelated names.

The Dominion newspaper recently announced there could be as much as $4trillion of untapped minerals, oil and gas around NZ shores. Buying Media Works, Kiwirail, Envirowaste and supporting carefully chosen NZ Political Parties is a small drop in the bucket compared to those potential returns. Certainly easier than invading Iraq.

In the meantime, the Media Whores at TV3, Radio Live etc (all owned by Goldman Sachs) are carefully pushing the corruption around the illegal Casino deal bribery, but remain completely silent on Fracking, Goldman Sachs and oil and gas drilling rights- the most important issue to ALL Kiwis.

Now join the dots here:

John Key left Merrill Lynch, another well known partner of Goldman Sachs just prior to the US housing market collapse and just in time to come back to New Zealand and suddenly become the chosen leader of the National Party. On being elected, Goldman Sachs (via Ironbridge) raced in to buy up Media Works and take control over 50% of NZ media. They also raced in to buy Kiwirail around the same time – a deal in which John Key is on record lying about his shareholding to the public and then profiting from.

Since these events, we have had ‘news’ filtered through to us that proven oil, gas and mineral resources around NZ could be worth as much as $4 trillion dollars (Stuff newspaper). Approximately 30 “fracking licenses” have been issued to oil and gas companies around NZ to allow them to carry out toxic fracking which has been extensively shown World Wide to poison local water supplies and cause earthquakes- despite no public debate or mandate. The East Coast of New Zealand has been suffering Earthquakes and ‘record’ floods ever since (please also refer our article on HAARP – the military ‘weather weapon’ which targets the jet streams to cause massive floods and is proven to also cause Earthquakes).

After two record floods in the Eastcape/ Gisborne areas in the past 6 months, the Goldman Sachs controlled Kiwirail have now announced they will not be able to rebuild the rail line for that area – which will destroy the likes of Watties and other large agricultural businesses in that area, forcing even more people to leave their homes. This is small change compared to what these same greedy criminals have been doing to the likes Fiji (who didn’t want a foreign owned central bank), or PNG that is smothered in natural resources, both of which have also been experiencing ‘record’ 100 years floods within months of each other. The media also controlled by this criminal banking elite are very quick to blame such strange weather patterns on the “Global Warming” myth- a theory so clearly debunked by ALL real scientists not on their payroll and the first failed plan for the World’s first Global tax.

Shortly after the Christchurch earthquakes, a massive phosphate find was announced just 450km off the Coast of Christchurch – enough to mine 1 million tonnes of phosphate per annum.

Tag Oil, whose share price rocketed on news of the Christchurch earthquakes that killed 185 people and destroyed 10,000 homes in the City have since also announced that the entire Eastcoast of NZ could be a find “equal to the size of Texas”. In an investor-targeted presentation, TAG Oil has told investors in North America the East Coast is “literally leaking oil and gas”.

The container ship Rena was also grounded during these developments, spilling toxic chemicals, goods and trash into the Ocean and right across the Eastcape region, effecting the local food supply and tourism businesses and further encouraging people to leave the area.

Oil Companies,Pharmaceuticals,Media and Federal Government







Nalco,BP,Corexit &…GOLDMAN SACHS

Corexit® dispersed oil residue accelerates the absorption of toxins into the skin. The results aren’t visible under normal light (top), but the contamination into the skin appear as fluorescent spots under UV light (bottom). Credit: James H “Rip” Kirby III, Surfrider Foundation

The Surfrider Foundation has released its preliminary “State of the Beach” study for the Gulf of Mexico from BP’s ongoing Deepwater Horizon disaster.

Dig down the rabbit hole and follow the money…

Corexit is being used as the chemical dispersant on the Gulf Coast oil spill disaster. I also wrote this article referencing Corexit and its United Kingdom banning:

EPA Allowed BP to Use Toxic Banned Dispersant on Gulf Coast Oil

I want to make it known to the reader that google has been scrubbed of Corexit info. When I wrote the above article, much more information was available. The New York Times even deleted part of an article that they published, with Corexit information. This stuff is deadly and they want to hide that fact from everyone.

This is a basic run down of some facts and information about Corexit. I’m not a scientist, so I will leave out the technical details and stick with the basic ideas and facts:
1. Corexit is a chemical dispersant used on oil spills. It breaks down the oil into smaller particles. It hides the oil by breaking it down and sinking it to a lower depth. This is purely for a visual fix, the oil is still there, but now mixed with chemicals.
2. Corexit was banned in the United Kingdom over a decade ago. They banned it because they said that compared to other dispersant’s, Corexit is more toxic and less effective.
3. Corexit was used during the Exxon Valdez oil spill and has been linked to illness and death. The variety of illnesses caused by Corexit are respiratory, nervous system, liver disorders, kidney disorders, blood disorders, headaches, vomiting and reproductive problems.
4. BP was allowed to choose what dispersant to use. BP was stockpiled with Corexit and continued ordering it. When the EPA told BP to use something else, BP did not stop using Corexit. The EPA has yet to enforce that BP stop using Corexit.
Read more in Ecology
« How Land Pollution Happens
Worry Free Carbon Emission Footprints »

5. Corexit is being manufactured and supplied by Nalco. Nalco is in Naperville, IL which is just outside of Chicago. Chicago…the same corrupt city that our President calls home.
6. Nalco has an affiliation with University of Chicago. Specifically, the Argonne Program. This program was given $164 million in federal stimulus funds last year. This year, the Argonne Program added 2 new executives. One of them was from Nalco.

6. Warren Buffet’s Berkshire Hathaway holds shares in Nalco. He is not the only incredibly rich and powerful person with Nalco associations, but his may be the sloppiest. Berkshire first took holdings of Nalco in February 2009, but increased those holdings at the end of 2009 and is currently holding nearly 9 million shares in Nalco. This makes Berkshire the 2nd largest holder of Nalco stock.
7. Goldman Sachs also has a role in this but I’m going to leave it at that…

8. Follow the money.

Read more: http://scienceray.com/biology/ecology/the-dirty-truth-about-bp-gulf-oil-spill-dispersant-nalco-corexit/#ixzz1zRlsttme

Sadly, things aren’t getting cleaner faster, according to their results. The Corexit that BP used to “disperse” the oil now appears to be making it tougher for microbes to digest the oil. I wrote about this problem in depth in “The BP Cover-Up.”

The persistence of Corexit mixed with crude oil has now weathered to tar, yet is traceable to BP’s Deepwater Horizon brew through its chemical fingerprint. The mix creates a fluorescent signature visible under UV light. From the report:

The program uses newly developed UV light equipment to detect tar product and reveal where it is buried in many beach areas and also where it still remains on the surface in the shoreline plunge step area. The tar product samples are then analyzed…to determine which toxins may be present and at what concentrations. By returning to locations several times over the past year and analyzing samples, we’ve been able to determine that PAH concentrations in most locations are not degrading as hoped for and expected.

The report states: “Toxicology studies to determine effects of Corexit® dispersant on dermal absorption rates of carcinogenic PAHs through wet skin are needed to assess risk to human health and safety.”

Worse, the toxins in this unholy mix of Corexit and crude actually penetrate wet skin faster than dry skin (photos above)—the author describes it as the equivalent of a built-in accelerant—though you’d never know it unless you happened to look under fluorescent light in the 370nm spectrum. The stuff can’t be wiped off. It’s absorbed into the skin.

And it isn’t going away. Other findings from monitoring sites between Waveland, Mississippi, and Cape San Blas, Florida over the past two years:

The use of Corexit is inhibiting the microbial degradation of hydrocarbons in the crude oil and has enabled concentrations of the organic pollutants known as PAH to stay above levels considered carcinogenic by the NIH and OSHA.
26 of 32 sampling sites in Florida and Alabama had PAH concentrations exceeding safe limits.
Only three locations were found free of PAH contamination.
Carcinogenic PAH compounds from the toxic tar are concentrating in surface layers of the beach and from there leaching into lower layers of beach sediment. This could potentially lead to contamination of groundwater sources.

Israel, Oil and Death: The War for Ossetia

In the past year the Georgian economy has reaped praise from the World Bank and other international financial bodies. It is considered a “developing market” that is worth investing in, and Israelis happen to be responsible for a significant percentage of the real estate development in Tbilisi. But the ordinary people do not benefit from that. Experts explain that growth there “has not yet filtered down,” or in other words, while six new luxury hotels are being built in Tbilisi, 60 percent of the population has no regular work and the streets are lined mainly with crumbling, abandoned buildings (Ha’aretz, 3/02/08)

South Ossetia is yet another obscure part of the former Soviet Union making it into the headlines of the press, confusing an already over-informed, yet under-intelligent people. But it is precisely in its obscurity that the Regime is able to manipulate the information. Iraq, Afghanistan, Burma, Belarus: all completely off the radar screens of Americans, yet central to the System, and its foreign policy. In Burma, drugs; Iraq, Israeli interest; Afghanistan, drugs and gas, Belarus, oil, Georgia, oil and Israeli interest. However one slices it, each of these conflicts is about saving the moribund and debt-ridden American economy.

South Ossetia has a history far too obscure for any but the most fanatical specialist, but suffice it to say, racially, the Ossetians are closely related to Persians, speaking a variant of Pashtun, the eponymous language of the Pashtun people of Afghanistan. In short, they are not Georgians. Making matters more complicated, the Ossetian public opinion is rather anti-Georgian, as it is generally seen that Ossetians are considered “third worlders,” while Georgians, though Asiatic in geography, consider themselves Europeans. By “European,” of course, the newly installed Georgian ruling elite is not a matter of geography, but of ideological predilection. But even this is a mystification, for ideological predilection is a smoke screen for something like, making-sure-oil-stock-gets-into-the-hands-of-BP. British Petroleum, a company very close to the pocket book of the Rothschild clan, was the agency assigned to build the pipeline from the Caspian Sea (a major source of the globe’s oil) to the Black Sea. The landmass in between is called Georgia.

Ossetians are roughly 75 percent Russian Orthodox, usually not bothering with the ancient Orthodox Church of Georgia, seen, properly or no, to be a spokesman for Georgian social interests. Islam makes up a small but normally pro-Russian minority. Like Armenia, this small group of people looks to Russia for protection against its larger and more arrogant neighbors, a long standing phenomenon, going back at least to the Mongols, in the rough neighborhood of the Caucuses. Whether against Mongol aggression, British or Turkish, colonialism or Islamic expansionism, smaller countries and peoples of this region have traditionally looked to Russia for protection. Armenia, Ossetia, Abkhazia and, at one time, Georgia herself were in this boat of Christian or moderate Muslim peoples seeking protection from far larger and more vehement opponents. Russia’s interest in this region, therefore, is a matter of seeking to bring order out of chaos, rather than the more traditionally economic rationale for western European colonialism.

Ossetia is a second-rate part of Georgia, and this for a number of reasons. Georgia prospered under the USSR, and used her economic development to “buy” her independence of Moscow. While a part of the USSR, Georgia was known as a basically independent area, one of the few to meet or exceed her yearly quotas, and, as a result, was basically left alone by the authorities. Specializing in transport, fruit and oil, Georgia, like Armenia and Belarus, became indispensable aspects of the Soviet economy. Georgians were disproportionately represented in the central party apparatus, and had a disproportionate percentage of university graduates relative to other Soviet peoples. Partially because of this, the less developed region of Ossetia was considered a region of cheap labor by the Georgian elite, and, as a result, her people developed a sensitive form of nationalism, and, in ever greater strides, sought incorporation into the USSR/Russia as a means of escaping Georgian rapacity. Ossetia was a purely agrarian culture, though her mountains permitted only about 10 percent of her area to be cultivated. Ossetia, then, was caught between dependence on Georgia and dependence on Russia. Time and again, she sought dependence on Russia. This, especially after Georgia’s declaration of independence after the dissolution of the USSR, caused a great degree of friction between the two peoples. In fact, Georgia regularly cut electricity and other necessary services to the tiny Ossetian nation as a means of maintaining them within the Georgian orbit. Ossetia was a place for the elite to take their vacations and enjoy a few prostitutes, not a nation in its own rights.

Edvard Shevardnadze, longtime dissident and President of Georgia, had substantial dealings with the main western-owned oil company in the country, Frontier Oil. In fact, Shevardnadze was one of the main investors in this company, and, so long as he maintained a pro-American front, the US showered him with aid, and importantly, positive publicity. However, in the early part of this decade, the erstwhile president began selling off his stock in Frontier, selling many shares to investors connected to LUKOil, once cleansed of Zionist influence by Putin in the “Khordokovskii” affair. The selling of Frontier stock to “foreigners” was too much for the US, and, overnight, Shevardnadze, went from “heroic dissident” to “tyrant.” Money from the US and George Soros dried up, and a new player, an Americanized Georgian named Michael Saakashvili (graduate of American universities) was placed in power. But oil was first and foremost. Nino Burjanadze, acting president after the overthrow of Scheverdnaze, made her first act of state to contact BP, saying it was now OK to go ahead with the pipeline. As it turns out, Shevardnadze was iffy about a purely Rothschild project in Georgia, fearing it would make the country too dependent on British and Israeli capital. Burjanadze then met with Ed Johnson, BP’s man for Georgia, and he laid out state policy from then on.

An Irish journalist, writing under the condition of anonymity, writes, “What is certain is that despite the western nature of the former Georgian President Edvard Shevardnadze, his slight inclination towards Russia in the year 2003 including the conclusion of the 25-year accord with Moscow on the transfer and purchase of gas made the US and the Soros Foundation [eager] to eliminate him.”

The Hindu newspaper from India (1/22/04) says,

According to the former head of Russia’s Federal Security Service, Nikolai Kovalyov, Georgia’s young opposition leaders, including Mr. Saakashvili, had been trained in U.S.-funded camps in Serbia along with representatives from Ukraine, Moldova, Armenia, Azerbaijan and a few other former Soviet republics. They studied the Yugoslav experience of removing the president, Slobodan Milosevic, with the help of massive public protests organized by Serbia’s student movement Otpor.

Mark McKinnon, from the British World and Mail, (11/26/06) writes,

That month, funds from his Open Society Institute sent a 31-year-old Tbilisi activist named Giga Bokeria to Serbia to meet with members of the Otpor (Resistance) movement and learn how they used street demonstrations to topple dictator Slobodan Milosevic. Then, in the summer, Mr. Soros’s foundation paid for a return trip to Georgia by Otpor activists, who ran three-day courses teaching more than 1,000 students how to stage a peaceful revolution… .

In Tbilisi, the Otpor link is seen as just one of several instances in which Mr. Soros gave the anti-Shevardnadze movement a considerable nudge: He also funded a popular opposition television station that was crucial in mobilizing support for this week’s “velvet revolution,” and he reportedly gave financial support to a youth group that led the street protests.

He also has a warm relationship with Mr. Shevardnadze’s chief opponent, Mikhail Saakashvili, a New York-educated lawyer who is expected to win the presidency in an election scheduled for Jan. 4. Last year, Mr. Soros personally presented Mr. Saakashvili with the foundation’s Open Society Award.

‘It’s generally accepted public opinion here that Mr. Soros is the person who planned Shevardnadze’s overthrow,’ said Zaza Gachechiladze, editor-in-chief of The Georgian Messenger, an English-language daily based in the capital.

The British Helsinki Human Rights Group recently compared Saakashvili’s regime to that of Shevardnadze, noting that “Saakashvili has unleashed a wave of arrests against real and imagined opponents, and, like Shevardnadze when he first came to power, his new regime has targeted any media outlet which steps out of line.” The report said, “Since Saakashvili won the grotesque presidential election in January 2004, when he was awarded an even higher percentage of the vote than Shevardnadze granted himself in 1992, waves of arrests and media closures have hit Georgia” (Foundation for Defense of Democracies).

What is particularly in intriguing about the Georgia-Soros connection is the question of oil stock and the central role of the now infamous Caryle Group, an investment firm that brings together surface enemies and makes them friends. It was this group that was helping to finance BP’s pipeline through Georgia. Eric Lesser, writing for Le Monde, has written substantially on this group. It remains the largest single investment firm in the world, and also doubles as a “think tank” for the world’s elites, many of them are allegedly enemies. It’s current membership list includes Soros, George Bush Sr., Tony Blair, the Rothschilds, Colin Powell, Madeline Albright, the Saudi Royal family and the bin Ladens. As it turns out, the Caryle group remains the Pentagon’s chief supplier of capital and retains the position as the main arms dealer through the world. It remains not listed on the stock market.

Hence, with the Carlyle group, all the interests of global power are represented: oil, finance and military, and today, all have converged on Georgia and her oil. Nevertheless, as far as Georgia is concerned, the question pivots on the interests of Russia, the new Georgian state, the Rochschilds and their BP organization, as well as their many Israeli and American investors. Keeping Ossetia away from Russia then became the Rochschild’s top priority. The Americans promised to eliminate Georgia’s $1.8 billion debt if she invaded the tiny nation (as she had done in Egypt to buy her support against Iraq). Workers on the pipeline throughout the earlier part of this decade were not being paid, and construction was plagued by strikes. Hence, the US/BP obsession with state power and the tight control over the population.

The Israeli interest in this is rather obvious, since the Rothschilds created the state of Israel to provide a point from which western arms can come to control the oil not merely in the Middle east, but in Central Asia and the Caucuses as well. Ha’aretz writes:

Georgian Minister Temur Yakobashvili [a former Israeli citizen] yesterday praised Israel for its role in training Georgian troops and said Israel should be proud of its military might.

“Israel should be proud of its military, which trained Georgian soldiers,” Yakobashvili, who is Jewish, told Army Radio in Hebrew. He was referring to a private Israeli group Georgia had hired. Yakobashvili, Georgia’s minister of reintegration, said this training enabled Georgia to defend itself against Russian forces in the warfare that erupted last week in the separatist region of South Ossetia, Georgia.

“The whole world is starting to understand that what is happening here will determine the future of this region, the future price of crude oil, the future of central Asia, and the future of NATO,” the Georgian minister added. “Every bomb that falls over our heads is an attack on democracy, on the European Union and on America.” (8/11/08)

And Y-Net News, an Israeli news source wrote:

The Israeli-Georgia connection is estimated to be worth $1 billion, according to a former Georgian ambassador to Israel. The Jewish state and private investors have provided military assistance and advisors to Georgia, where pipelines pump oil destined for Israel. A new pipeline is being built to bypass Russian territory. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that Israeli companies in Georgia have begun evacuating their staff and that Israeli tourists are leaving for home. . . . Israel

began selling arms to Georgia about seven years ago following an initiative by Georgian citizens who immigrated to Israel and became businesspeople. . . .

Roni Milo conducted business in Georgia for Elbit Systems and the Military Industries, and with his help Israel’s defense industries managed to sell to Georgia remote-piloted vehicles (RPVs), automatic turrets for armored vehicles, antiaircraft systems, communication systems, shells and rockets.

According to Israeli sources, Gal Hirsch gave the Georgian army advice on the establishment of elite units such as Sayeret Matkal and on rearmament, and gave various courses in the fields of combat intelligence and fighting in built-up areas. (8/10/08)

And further, the Israeli News Agency DEBKAFile writes:

Georgian tanks and infantry, aided by Israeli military advisers, captured the capital of breakaway South Ossetia, Tskhinvali, early Friday, Aug. 8, bringing the Georgian-Russian conflict over the province to a military climax. . . . The Russians may just bear with the pro-US Georgian president Mikhail Saakashvili’s ambition to bring his country into NATO. But they draw a heavy line against his plans and those of Western oil companies, including Israeli firms, to route the oil routes from Azerbaijan and the gas lines from Turkmenistan, which transit Georgia, through Turkey instead of hooking them up to Russian pipelines.

Jerusalem owns a strong interest in Caspian oil and gas pipelines reach the Turkish terminal port of Ceyhan, rather than the Russian network. Intense negotiations are afoot between Israel Turkey, Georgia, Turkmenistan and Azarbaijan for pipelines to reach Turkey and thence to Israel’s oil terminal at Ashkelon and on to its Red Sea port of Eilat. From there, supertankers can carry the gas and oil to the Far East through the Indian Ocean.

Aware of Moscow’s sensitivity on the oil question, Israel offered Russia a stake in the project but was rejected.

Last year, the Georgian president commissioned from private Israeli security firms several hundred military advisers, estimated at up to 1,000, to train the Georgian armed forces in commando, air, sea, armored and artillery combat tactics. They also offer instruction on military intelligence and security for the central regime. Tbilisi also purchased weapons, intelligence and electronic warfare systems from Israel.

Back in March of this year, Ha’aretz wrote, concerning the Georgian president:

In the face of Moscow’s hostility, the Georgians turned to Washington. The members of the Jewish delegation repeatedly heard about the “common values” that Georgia, the U.S. and Israel share, and about the war against terror, in which Georgia plays an active role Saakashvili told his guests, “When Israel is harmed, Georgia is harmed as well,” and swore, “The only place in the world where I feel at home is Israel.” (3/2/08)

In addition, the Russian Interfax New Agency reports that Russian FSB agents on the ground have charged that Mossad and NATO entities are leading the Georgian assault on South Ossetia, and have provided the Georgians with intelligence on Russian military strength, etc. Of course, this makes sense when one considers that the Georgian economy is struggling and cannot afford this kind of military assault without substantial outside help. In fact, just last year, the prestigious International Institution of Strategic Studies estimated Georgian infantry strength at about 20,000. Therefore, one must assume that substantial Israeli and American infantry are involved in this assault. Furthermore, according to a Russia Today video presentation, many of the knocked out tanks were crewed by Ukrainians (RT, Aug, 10). Russians have also produced for photographers black corpses, either black-Americans or Englishmen. The Jersusalem Post reports that US planes are heavily involved at least with troop deployment, as American cargo planes have been bringing Georgian troops from Iraq into the combat zone.

Russian journalist Andrei Areshev writing for the prestigious Strategic Culture Foundation says,

One item from the timeline preceding the aggression deserves particular attention – the Georgian-US Immediate Response 2008 military exercise, during which the US instructors trained the Georgian forces to carry out “anti-terrorist cleansings” in residential areas was completed on July 31. The exercise included such activities as cleansing terrorists from villages (allegedly in the framework of the preparation of the Georgian military for the operations in Iraq) and ensuring the security of the civilian population. The atrocities perpetrated by the Georgian guerillas in Tskhinvali had been taught by the Western instructors under the cynical disguise of “the struggle against terrorism”. The actual objectives are of course completely different. Former Georgian Foreign Minister Salomé Zourabichvili, who is certainly a very well-informed person, said the US presence in Georgia comprises a broad range of activities including the training of the Georgian armed forces and the monitoring of the strategically important corridor passing across the Caucasus. The Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline is a part of the latter. Zourabichvili opineds that the main purpose of the current conflict with Russia is to strengthen the loyalty of Georgia to the US and Great Britain and to guarantee that they will have control over the country and, consequently, over the South Caucasus.

Now, as far as direct Mossad involvement with the Georgian offensive is, as always, rather difficult to come by. But there is evidence that Mossad is in Georgia, following a rather common and well-known pattern. The Turkish news agency AXIS writes the following about Mossad involvement in another oil-sensitive race in Chechnya:

The first time the official representative of then independent Chechnya was informed about the Mossad’s activity in the republic was in June 1997. Abusupian Movsaev, who headed the National Security Service (SNB), in an interview to the Russian Profi newspaper, made this announcement. Later, in 1999 – 2001, the Chechen mass media published several reports on the arrest of Israeli agents in the territory of the republic. In December 2001 the head of the Security Council of the Russian Parliament, Viktor Iliuhin, implicitly confirmed this claim. Without revealing the sources of his information, he said that the Mossad is engaged in human intelligence in Chechnya.

Although Tel-Aviv and Moscow never confirmed this information, it is known that since the second half of the 1990s, the Mossad has been showing a growing interest in the situation in the Caucasus. (AXIS, Turkish Analysis of Politics, 27.3.06).

The conclusion here is rather simple, the American and English media can afford to manipulate the news because it is dealing with an area known to only a few specialists. Because of this, the elite can behave in a more or less above board sort of way, wherein elsewhere, such as in America, their involvement is more hidden. In Georgia, the BP/Rothschild connection is well known, while in America, the fact that BP is a Rothschild asset is completely unknown. That Georgia is that landmass lying in the globally strategic region between the Caspian and Black Seas is also unknown, and hence, the major media can report what they see fit.

Nevertheless, it does illustrate a major proposition publicized by such writers as Michel Chossudovsky and myself, that American foreign policy is guided by the obsession for cheap sources of fuel, and this because the American economy is delicate, overburdened with debt and bereft of any sort of manufacturing base. Continued spikes in fuel can upset this economic house of cards. Chossudovsky writes in his brilliant War and Globalization:

War and globalization go hand in hand. The powers of the Wall Street financial elite, the Anglo-America oil giants and the US-UK defense contractors are undeniably behind this process, which consists of extending the frontiers of the global market system. Ultimately, the purpose of ‘America’s New War’ is to transform sovereign nations into open territories (or ‘free trade areas’), both through military means as well as though the imposition of deadly ‘free market’ reforms.’

And concerning Georgia specifically, Joseph Joffi, writing in 1999 in a Woodrow Wilson Case Study (#1) at Princeton, says,

The US must play an increasingly active role in conflict resolution in the region [Georgia]. The boundaries of the Soviet republics were intentionally drawn to prevent secession by various national communities of the former USSR and not with an eye to possible independence. . . . Neither Europe, nor our allies in East Asia can defend our [US] mutual interests in these regions. If we fail to take the lead in heading off the kinds of conflicts and crises that are already looming there, that will eventually exacerbate our relations with Europe and possible Northeast Asia. It will encourage the worst kind of political developments in Russia. This linkage, or interconnectedness, gives the Transcaucasus and Central Asia a strategic importance to the United States and its allies that we overlook at huge risk. To put it another way, the fruits accruing from ending the Cold War are far from fully harvested. To ignore the Transcaucasus and Central Asia could mean that large parts of that harvest will never be gathered. (Quoted in Chossudovsky, pg. 115).

By “harvest,” it can only mean the manipulation of global oil and natural gas supplies, central to the American economy and, importantly central to that of China and India, both almost completely bereft of those substances. The interests are clear; cheap fuel is central to the US economy, already heavily burdened with overspending and debt. For Israel, to control possible a large, already manifestly anti-Zionist power, Russia, is central. The pipeline is central to both the Rothschilds, BP, Israeli and American investors in the region. As Chossudovsky maintains, and this writer along with him, globalization means perpetual war and perpetual corruption

Blair’s Petroleum

Could your life be worth more to your government than a few pence added to BP’s share price?

At first, this will sound like a strange question. But sometimes there is a news story that lays out the priorities that drive our governments once the doors are closed and the cameras are switched off.

The story of the attempt to trade the Lockerbie bomber for oil is one of those moments.

Let’s start in the deserts of Iraq – because the Lockerbie deal might just reveal what really happened there.

Many people were perplexed by Tony Blair’s decision to back George W. Bush’s invasion, which has led to the deaths of 1.2 million people.

Blair said he was motivated by opposition to two things – terrorism and tyranny.

First off, he said Saddam Hussein might give weapons of mass destruction to jihadis.

When it was proven in the rubble after the invasion that Saddam had no WMD or links to jihadis – as critics of the war had said all along – Blair declared he would do it all again anyway, because Saddam Hussein was a tyrant, and all tyrants should be opposed.

Most critics of the war said the real reason was a desire for Western access to Iraq’s vast supplies of oil. This debate has gone on for years.

Now it has emerged that Tony Blair plotted to hand a convicted terrorist – the worst in modern British history – to a vicious tyrant in exchange for access to oil for British corporations.

It seems to settle the argument about his priorities in the darkest possible way.

Here’s how it happened. Just before Christmas 1988, a flight from London to New York City was blasted out of the sky above Scotland by a bomb in the cargo hold.

All 259 people on board were killed, along with 11 on the ground.

One man was convicted for the mass murder at a Scottish trial in 2000: Abdelbaset al-Megrahi, a former libyan intelligence officer.

Following the bombing, most Western governments imposed sanctions on Libya that forbade companies from investing there.

If you are opposed to terrorism and tyranny, it was a happy ending: an alleged terrorist was tried in open court and convicted, and a tyrant was shunned.

‘BP’s boss flew to Tripoli in the company of MI6 agents’

But, within a few short years, Tony Blair was not happy.

Why? The oil company BP wanted to be able to drill down into Libya’s oil, and tap the profits that would gush forth.

Their then-chief executive, John Browne, flew to Tripoli in the company of MI6 agents to find out what the dictatorship wanted in return for opening the country’s wells.

It was, of course, clear that they wanted Megrahi back.

BP has admitted it lobbied Tony Blair to exchange prisoners with Libya.
They say they didn’t specifically mention Megrahi – but there was no need to: there were no other Libyan prisoners of particular note in Britain.

Blair’s administration was so intertwined with the oil company by this point that it was often dubbed ‘Blair’s Petroleum’.

There was a revolving door between BP and Downing Street: BP execs sat on more government taskforces than all other oil companies combined, while many of Blair’s closest confidantes went to work for the corporation.

He gave two of its chief executives peerages, and slashed taxes on North Sea oil production.

By 2005, he was talking to Lord Browne at Downing Street dinners about what he would do after he left office, with rumours circulating of a move to BP.

Blair responded to BP’s lobbying with apparent pleasure.

His Foreign office Minister, Bill Rammell, assured Libyan officials that Blair did not ‘want Megrahi to pass away in prison’.
Blair Gaddafi

His Foreign Secretary, Jack Straw, said a desire for Libya’s oil was ‘an essential part’ of this decision.

So Straw began negotiating a prisoner swap agreement, and urged the Scottish authorities to release the convict. He told the Scottish Government in a leaked letter that it was ‘in the overwhelming interests of the UK’ to let Megrahi go.

The chief negotiator for the Libyans was Mousa Kousa, a thug who had been expelled from Britain after bragging about plots to murder democratic dissidents here.

These supposed opponents of tyranny didn’t blush. There are, of course, some serious commentators who argue that Megrahi was framed.

It’s a legitimate debate. But if he was, it should have been settled in court, at an appeal – not in a dodgy deal with a dictator to benefit BP.

Both sides now admit what was happening: they were trying to trade a convicted mass murderer for oil.

Saif Gaddafi, the Libyan dictator’s son and second in command, said it was ‘obvious’ that attempts to free Megrahi were linked to oil contracts, adding: ‘We all knew what we were talking about.’

There is no question there was a plot. The question is whether the plot worked, or whether it got what it wanted anyway by a remarkable coincidence.

It was, ultimately, up to the Scottish politicians whether to release Megrahi, and they publicly refused a prisoner swap.

‘His administration was dubbed “Blair’s Petroleum”‘

We know that Straw lobbied them to do it, but they insist they made the decision independently on ‘compassionate grounds’.

A year ago, Megrahi was sent home to Tripoli after serving 11 days for each person he was convicted of killing. officially, the Scots had assessed him to have only three months left to live.

There are several facts that batter these claims with question marks. The most obvious is that, 11 months later, Megrahi isn’t dead.

It’s the most amazing medical recovery since lazarus. or is it? It turns out the doctors who declared him sick were paid for by the Libyan government, and one of them says he was put under pressure by Libya to offer the most pessimistic estimate of life expectancy.

Susan Cohen, whose daughter died in Lockerbie, asks: ‘Why didn’t the Scottish Government pay for the doctors?’

Indeed, a detailed investigation by the Sunday Telegraph reported that ‘the Scottish and British Governments actively assisted Megrahi and his legal team to seek a release on compassionate grounds’.

The Libyan dictatorship certainly took it as a gift from the British government.

The tyranny’s chief spokesman, Abdul Majeed al-dursi, said: ‘This is a brave and courageous decision by the British . . . Britain will find it is rewarded.’

BP has indeed been rewarded: it is now drilling in Libya.

This affair seems to reopen the Iraq debate, in a way that vindicates Blair’s most severe critics.

Tony Blair’s remaining defenders say he was motivated in Iraq by a hatred of terrorism and tyranny and had no regard whatsoever for getting access to oil.

Yet at the very same time the Labour government was plotting in Libya to hand the worst terrorist in British history to a tyrant in exchange for oil.

It’s proof that oil and corporate power were a much bigger factor in driving foreign policy than the public rhetoric of opposing tyranny or terror. David Cameron refuses to open an investigation.

He says he will release all the relevant documents – but the Cabinet office has quietly declared that Blair’s permission will be needed before any records are shown to the public.

For the families of all the innocent people slaughtered in Lockerbie, this has been a cold-water education in what their governments really value.

Cohen, remembering her murdered daughter Theodora, 20, says: ‘Western governments seem to be run by one thing now – the great god money.’

There’s a revealing little postscript to this tale. Last month, Blair went to Libya on behalf of the many mega corporations who now employ him.

He was greeted by Gaddafi himself – who tortures dissidents and terrorises his population – ‘like a brother’, according to the Libyan press.

There has even been speculation that, now they need a chief executive, Tony Blair will go to work for BP. In so many ways, it seems, he always has.

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