Tag Archives: GlaxoSmithKline

Glaxo's Pneumonia Vaccine Targets Poor Unsuspecting People First – And You Next


One of the most frustrating characteristics of multi-national drug corporations is their commitment to the corporate mantra of maximizing profits for their shareholders at any cost, including that of human lives.

The testing of dangerous drugs and vaccines on children is an area that is particularly risk-filled…

The Nuremberg Codei provides ethical guidelines for medical researchers to protect human test subjects in scientific experiments from injury, disability or death.

The first principle of the Nuremberg Code—that doctors must obtain voluntary informed consent from the person about to be experimented on—appears to be frequently ignored, especially when it comes to clinical trials of experimental vaccines.

In recent news, the Argentinean Federation of Health Professionals accused GlaxoSmithKline of misleading participants and pressuring impoverished, disadvantaged families into enrolling their children in clinical trials of the experimental Synflorix pediatric pneumonia vaccine.

Fourteen of the children participating in the experimental vaccine trial died. Glaxo Smith Kline denies the charges and says it will appeal the nearly $240,000 fine imposed on the company and two doctors. According to CNNii:

“The deaths of 14 children, who reportedly died after participating in the trials, have drawn widespread attention in Argentinean media… GlaxoSmithKline categorically denies that the vaccine caused the deaths… But the health professional federation pointed to the children’s deaths in its call for increased regulations on drug testing.”

The death of 14 children in a vaccine trial SHOULD draw widespread attention, but while it’s a major news item in Argentina, the US approach seems coldly indifferent, to say the least. Why is this? Why are U.S. health officials expressing concern when children die from other causes but are turning a blind eye to the tragedy of children being killed by both experimental and licensed drugs and vaccines? That makes no sense at all!

Preying on the Poor and Illiterate

This certainly is not the first time children have died during drug company trials. It’s also not the first time a pharmaceutical company has been accused of being less than completely honest about experimental vaccine or drug risks, when they want to persuade poor, under-educated people into signing up for clinical trials.

For example, according to Nigerian authorities, Pfizer illegally tested an unapproved drug on children with brain infections at a field hospital in 1996. Eleven of the children died and dozens were disabled before the illegal activity was exposed.

Similarly, two years ago, the Indian government suspended Merck’s Gardasil study after they discovered that four of the young clinical trial participants had died after receiving Gardasil, and more than 120 girls suffered severe adverse reactions. A civil society-led investigation into the vaccine trial highlighted serious violations of ethical guidelines for clinical research and informed consent rights of study participants or their legal guardians.

Again and again we see how major drug companies scheme to enlist people, who do not have full information about experimental vaccine or drug risks and are effectively turned into human guinea pigs in scientific experiments. In fact, this almost seems to be more the rule than the exception.

Likewise, we see how conventional medicine, in general, downplays the inherent risks of drugs and vaccines. Fourteen children died in GSK’s pneumonia vaccine trial and, yet, we’re supposed to believe that every single one of those deaths was completely unrelated to the vaccine. Another case in point is the shocking lack of respect for individual human life in the approval of a pediatric anthrax vaccine trial by the National Biodefense Science Board!

Pediatric Anthrax Vaccine—A Disaster in the Making?

Last year, I interviewed Dr. Meryl Nass about anthrax, and she was the one who brought this terrible situation to my attention. The idea of public health officials promoting the testing of anthrax vaccine on children is truly unfathomable considering the fact that the military’s controversial mandatory anthrax vaccination program has already resulted in many reports of anthrax vaccine injuries and deaths in soldiers and civilian military personnel. Side effects occur in one to two percent of those given anthrax vaccine and 11 percent of all anthrax vaccine adverse event reports are considered serious.

The FDA’s definition of a “serious adverse reaction” to a vaccine includes a reaction that leads to:

Permanent disability
Life-threatening event

Anthrax vaccine was mandated by DOD for all soldiers deployed in the Gulf War to theoretically protect them against a bioterrorism attack using weaponized, inhalation anthrax. Since then, the anthrax vaccine has been implicated in the development of so-called Gulf War syndrome, and Dr. Nass believes it’s a viable candidate as one of the contributing factors. Meanwhile, animal studies have shown the vaccine to be rather ineffective against anthrax infection… So, what might the ramifications of giving anthrax vaccine to infants be? I shudder to even consider it! The very idea of subjecting infants to such a hazardous vaccine seems, quite frankly, unconscionable.

In Dr. Nass’ words:

“It’s completely crazy, and it’s illegal. It can only be done because the Department of Health and Human Services is denying that there are serious adverse reactions. They have their National Biodefense Science Board, which by the way has two people who were very important in running the anthrax vaccine program in the military on that board, and their job is to protect the good name of the anthrax vaccine.

One is John Grabenstein. He ran the military vaccine program and ran the anthrax vaccine program first. He was instrumental in creating a whole series of scientific studies that were misrepresented and poorly done to try to show that the vaccine was safe when it wasn’t safe. He’s a very unethical researcher. He is a pharmacist with a PhD, and of course where did he go after he left the military? He went to Merck and works as a so-called scientist in their vaccine division… Merck knew that this guy was unethical; that he was cooking the books on the research, and they hired him anyway.”

Unethical Drug Trials Overseas: A Growing Problem

According to a 2011 investigative report published by Vanity Fairiii, 6,485 clinical drug trials were conducted overseas in 2008, up from just 271 overseas trials in 1990. And tracking of these trials is virtually non-existent. This can be a very serious problem when you consider that about 80 percent of the applications submitted to the US FDA for new drugs contain data from these foreign trials… Worse yet, drug companies are not required to report studies conducted overseas, which leaves the door wide open for studies with negative results to simply disappear.

There’s also very little accountability in terms of the accuracy of these trials because many of them are not performed by academic researchers but by independent contractors, who do everything from devising and performing the trial, to reporting on the results, ghostwriting technical articles and creating promotional campaigns for the drug. There can be no doubt that scientific experiments and clinical trials that do not contain adequate informed consent protections puts innocent human participants at risk for injury and death and is a violation of our most basic freedoms and human rights.

Is a Pneumonia Vaccine Even Necessary?

Getting back to GlaxoSmithKline’s pneumonia vaccine trial—in which 14 children died—a big question that really deserves an honest answer is whether such a vaccine is necessary. It is true that pneumonia, which is a severe form of acute lower respiratory infection that specifically affects your lungs, can have serious, life-threatening complications. According to the 2006 UNICEF report, Pneumonia: The Forgotten Killer of Childreniv, complications from pneumonia kills more children than AIDS, malaria and measles combined.

An estimated 2 million children die from pneumonia each year, accounting for almost 1 in 5 deaths of children under the age of five, worldwide, with South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa bearing the burden of more than half of the total number of pneumonia cases. That said, the debate is not about whether pneumonia is a serious infection or not—it is.

However, UNICEF has also detailed the most effective forms of prevention of pneumonia, which include:

Exclusive breast feeding
Promoting adequate nutrition and zinc supplementation
Reducing indoor air pollution
Expanding vaccine coverage

While vaccination is on the list, it’s by no means the most important prevention strategy. To highlight the effectiveness of simple and inexpensive nutritional intervention, consider this: After reviewing a total of 10 studies, investigators at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, and the World Health Organization (WHO) reported that zinc supplementation alone reduces the risk of pneumonia by 41 percent!

Some people, who prefer to use more natural holistic health approach to staying well, have used essential oils to help prevent respiratory infections like pneumonia. Some essential oils — oregano, thyme and rosewood oils in particular – appear to create an autolytic reaction in organisms, including Streptococcus pneumonia. One researcher found that spraying these essential oils on S. pneumonia cells in the laboratory setting prompted the cells to fall apart!

How to Reduce Your Risk of Infectious Disease Without a Vaccine …

Most people, who have become educated about vaccination and health, would be quite skeptical about voluntarily enrolling their child into a vaccine clinical trial. But, as discussed, many of these trials are conducted overseas, in underdeveloped countries, where families do not have the education to understand the risks they are taking or the means to protest being used as human guinea pigs in drug company sponsored scientific experiments. Some of these unsuspecting research subjects die and others are left with permanent health problems that can destroy their lives and their families.

This is a travesty. I long for the day our medical system will stop violating the informed consent rights of human subjects participating in clinical trials and drug companies will stop treating the people, who die and are injured in clinical trials, as the cost of doing business. Unfortunately, I don’t think the system will change on its own. It will only change once enough people see through it, and refuse to buy into the false promise that a pill will cure every ill and a vaccine will prevent every disease…

It’s so important to understand that, overall, your best defense against any disease is a robust immune system. Vaccines can actually compromise healthy immune function and this is true, regardless of your age. Two of the most important factors influencing the health of your immune system are:

Your gut flora, and
Your vitamin D status

About 80 percent of your immune system resides in your gut, so maintaining a healthy gut flora is imperative for a fully functioning immune system. Also, if your child’s gut is populated with too many pathogens, he or she is likely to be more prone to vaccine damage. For more information about this, I highly recommend listening to my interview with Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride.

Vitamin D is another crucial component for maintaining optimal health, so I urge you to get your children’s vitamin D levels tested, and, if found deficient, to follow my recommendations for optimizing their levels.

Artificially manipulating your immune system with a vaccine does not produce the same kind of immunity and sought after disease-fighting results that a healthy lifestyle can. It may actually make you less healthy in the long run. For more information, the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) is a good place to start to do research and obtain information that you need to make intelligent, informed decisions about vaccination.

Share Your Story with the Media and People You Know

The media is quick to warn about the dangers of infectious diseases but rarely discuss the dangers of the vaccines against those diseases. This has created a very lopsided view of the safety of vaccines. So please, if you or a family member has suffered a serious vaccine reaction, injury or death, talk about it. If we don’t share information and experiences with each other, everybody feels alone and afraid to speak up. Write a letter to the editor if you have a different perspective on a vaccine story that appears in your local newspaper, or make a call in to a radio talk show that is only presenting one side of the vaccine story.

I must be frank with you; you have to be brave because you might be strongly criticized for daring to talk about the “other side” of the vaccine story. Be prepared for it and have the courage to not back down. Only by sharing our perspective and what we know to be true about vaccination will the public conversation about vaccination open up so people are not afraid to talk about it.

We cannot allow the drug companies and medical trade associations funded by drug companies to dominate the conversation about vaccination. The vaccine injured cannot be swept under the carpet and treated like nothing more than “statistically acceptable collateral damage” of national one-size-fits-all mass vaccination policies that put way too many people at risk for injury and death. We shouldn’t be treating people like guinea pigs instead of human beings.Source


Argentinian Babies: Glaxo's Lab! Next one is yours


Vaccine and drug giant GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) has been fined 400,000 pesos (around the equivalent of $93,000) by an Argentinian judge for killing 14 babies during illegal lab vaccine trials that were conducted between 2007 and 2008. In addition to killing the children and experimenting with human beings, the judge asserted that the corporation actually falsified parental authorizations so that babies could participate without legitimate parental permission.

Judge Marcelo Aguinsky made the decision after a report was released on the subject by the National Administration of Medicine, Food and Technology (ANMAT in Spanish). Since 2007, 15,000 children below the age of one from Mendoza, San Juan, and Santiago del Estero have been participating in the illegal research. These babies were recruited by GSK from poor families that attended public hospitals. It was found that of the 14 baby deaths, 7 died in Santiago del Estero; 5 in Mendoza; and 2 in San Juan.
GSK Recruited Doctors, Pressured Illiterate Parents into Signing Over Children

Currently, it is unknown how many babies suffered serious side effects, adverse reactions, or if this is truly the total death count. As with many other vaccinations such as Gardasil, the official death count continues to rise as leaked reports from the FDA and elsewhere continue to surface.

One pediatrician working at the public hospital when GSK began recruiting babies for their illegal human trials said that not only did GSK force illiterate parents into handing over their children, but they also ‘recruited’ several doctors working at the hospital into their cause.

Ana Marchese, a pediatrician at the Eva Perón children’s public hospital in Santiago del Estero, stated:

“GSK Argentina set an protocol at the hospital, and recruited several doctors working there. These doctors took advantage of many illiterate parents whom take their children for treatment by pressuring and forcing them into signing these 28-page consent forms and getting them involved in the trials.”

It is quite clear that GSK has zero regard for human health, morals, and will go to any length to experiment with their latest jab regardless of the casualties. Of the 15,000 babies that were reported to be a part of the illegal trials, many may suffer from life-altering illness and serious side effects. Amazingly, many parents had no idea they were signing over the lives of their children to GSK, as they were completely illiterate. Meanwhile, GSK sells their latest shots and pharmaceutical drugs to United States consumers, raking in record profits each year as the second-largest drugmaker.

Read more: http://naturalsociety.com/glaxosmithkline-fined-93k-over-14-vaccine-baby-deaths/#ixzz21FwfLFMl


GlaxoSmithKline: Sacrifices Children in the name of profit


The British pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline has plead guilty and will pay $3 billion to resolve criminal and civil liability charges related to illegal drug marketing and withholding information about health hazards associated with its diabetes drug Avandia.

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By Dr. Mercola

One of the biggest news stories relating to health right now is the finalization of the biggest lawsuit yet by the American government against a pharmaceutical company.

On July 2, the British drug maker GlaxoSmithKline plead guilty to three counts of criminal misdemeanor and other civil liabilities relating to the prescription drugs Paxil, Wellbutrin and Avandia, and agreed to pay a total of $3 billion in fines–$1 billion to settle criminal charges, and $2 billion to cover civil liabilities.

The payment is the largest fraud settlement in U.S. history, and the largest fine ever paid by a drug company.

In 2009, Pfizer paid $2.3 billion to settle similar charges1, and as recently as May, Abbott Laboratories settled charges over wrongful marketing of the anti-seizure drug Depakote to the tune of $1.6 billion2. The company had illegally promoted the drug to health care providers for off-label use in seniors with dementia.

And, according to a July 6 report in the Huffington Post3, a federal investigation into wrongful marketing by Johnson & Johnson of its antipsychotic drug Risperdal is also wrapping up and may result in a fine of anywhere between $1.6 to 2 billion.

According to FiercePharma’s recent compilation of the Top 11 marketing settlements by the drug industry over the past 10 years4, drug makers have agreed to pay more than $11 billion in fines for their illegal marketing shenanigans over the past decade! But the worst may still lie ahead: more than 900 whistleblower lawsuits were filed in the last year alone and historically about 10 percent of whistleblower claims involve drugmakers…

While these fines sound like staggering amounts of money to most people, a fundamental problem has now become blatantly and painfully apparent, and that is that fines don’t work. They simply do not curtail criminal behavior when applied to faceless corporations. They’ve become little more than an expected annoyance that are calculated into the price of doing business.

Meanwhile, average people are paying for the criminal behavior of these “corporate personhoods” with their very lives.

Keep in mind that while “wrongful marketing” may not sound like a big deal, we’re not talking about a toy that you can’t play with in the manner advertised. We’re talking about extremely potent chemicals that alter brain and biological chemistry. When you consider how shoddy and fraught with conflicts of interest the approval process is to begin with—as poorly tested drugs are approved with increasing frequency and must later be withdrawn—it should be frighteningly obvious how dangerous it can be to market drugs for unapproved uses.

GlaxoSmithKline Guilty of Illegal Marketing and Withholding Hazard Info

When GSK began targeting children, Paxil became a top 10 selling drug with annual sales in excess of $1.8 billion in 2001 and 2002 alone. This is particularly grievous as, according to the Justice Department’s complaint5, several clinical studies on Paxil involving children and adolescents, performed in the mid- to late-90’s, had ALL FAILED to demonstrate efficacy on this age group! Every single one of them!

According to the US Justice Department6, GlaxoSmithKline:

Unlawfully marketed the antidepressant Paxil to children and adolescents.
The drug is FDA approved for the treatment of depression in adults only.The complaint details how GSK manipulated the findings of one of these studies to reach the false conclusion that Paxil was effective against depression in adolescents. A GSK employee also recommended revising a section of the study relating to side effects, removing the finding that serious side effects like worsening depression and hostility (suffered by 11 children in the study) were considered related to the treatment, and replacing it with a statement that headache (suffered by one participant) was the only side effect considered to be treatment-related.

The complaint calls the study, published in July 2001 in The Journal of American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, “false and misleading.” This fraudulent and misleading study was subsequently used by GSK to illegally promote Paxil for children and teens…
Unlawfully marketed the antidepressant Wellbutrin for weight loss and sexual dysfunction.

In a recent NPR radio interview7, Carmen Ortiz, U.S. Attorney for the District of Massachusetts, stated that “GSK hired a public relations firm to create a buzz about getting skinny and how you could have more sex simply by using this drug…using every imaginable form of high-priced entertainment, from Hawaiian vacations to paying doctors millions of dollars to go on speaking tours, to a European pheasant hunt, to tickets for Madonna concerts.”
From 2001 through September 2007, failed to report safety data relating to clinical experience and other information as required by law to the FDA for the diabetes drug Avandia.

As previously reported, Avandia has been found to be profoundly dangerous—a fact hid by GSK for over 10 years, as they knew it would adversely affect sales8. This was revealed in a Senate Finance Committee report, released by Max Baucus and Charles E. Grassley in February 2010. The report also asked why the FDA allowed a clinical trial of Avandia to continue even after the agency estimated the drug had caused an estimated 83,000 heart attacks between 1999 and 20079.

Avandia hit the market in 1999 and quickly became a blockbuster drug. By 2006 its annual revenue was $3.2 billion. A year later, a damning study published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) linked it to a 43 percent increased risk of heart attack and a 64 percent higher risk of cardiovascular death than patients treated with other methods10.

This is a steep price, to say the least, for a disease that does not require drugs to begin with, and Avandia has become a poster child for the lethal paradigm of faux science.

Why Isn’t Someone Going to Jail??

According to the July 2 press release issued by GSK11, the criminal and civil liabilities resolved by this final agreement also include inappropriate marketing of six other drugs, and “possible inappropriate use of the nominal price exception under the Medicaid Rebate Program.”

One aspect that truly worries me is that while the criminal cases we’ve seen in the past several years are related to drugs, many of these companies, including GSK, also produce VACCINES.

And guess what?

They’re typically not liable for damages from, or harm done by, contaminated or otherwise dangerous vaccines! We’ve recently seen evidence of “mistakes” in vaccine manufacturing as well, but vaccine makers are rarely if ever punished for these willful errors and omissions, which should provide you some further food for thought.

Celebrity Doctors Paid to Illegally Promote Dangerous Drugs

A few days after the US Justice Department reached its agreement with GSK, it was revealed that TV and radio personality Dr. Drew Pinsky (aka “Dr. Drew,” of sex-advice-giving fame) allegedly accepted $275,000 to carry out the illegal promotion of GSK’s antidepressant Wellbutrin. Dr. Pinsky is said to have highlighted the drug’s libido-enhancing side effects on a number of occasions in 199912, 13.

While Dr. Drew is the one in the news right now, he’s not the only TV and radio doctor who’s accepted money from drug companies to push their products to an unsuspecting public. For example, Dr. Marie Savard14, who has appeared on dozens of TV shows such as Good Morning America, ABC News, and Oprah, is paid by Merck to pitch their HPV vaccine.

According to a July 3 report in the Wall Street Journal15:

“In June 1999, popular radio personality Dr. Drew Pinsky used the airwaves to extol the virtues of GlaxoSmithKline’s antidepressant Wellbutrin, telling listeners he prescribes it and other medications to depressed patients because it “may enhance or at least not suppress sexual arousal” as much as other antidepressants do.

But one thing listeners didn’t know was that, two months before the program aired, Dr. Pinsky—who gained fame as “Dr. Drew” during years co-hosting a popular radio sex-advice show “Loveline”—received the second of two payments from Glaxo totaling $275,000 for “services for Wellbutrin.”

… Doctors are allowed to prescribe drugs as they see fit, but it is illegal for companies to promote drugs for uses not approved by the FDA, a practice known as “off-label” marketing. Wellbutrin’s prescribing label doesn’t state that the drug is less inhibiting of sexual libido than other antidepressants. In an email Tuesday, Glaxo declined to answer questions about its financial relationship with Dr. Pinsky or other physicians. The company said: “The complaint to which you refer concerns events in 1999, 13 years ago. It does not reflect what would be allowed in GSK today.”

I for one do not buy into any of this drivel about how things have changed… If anything, the evidence tells us that illegal and unethical behavior of corporations like GSK has WORSENED and solidified into standard modus operandi over the past decade. Case in point: According to a 2010 report by the Public Citizen’s Health Research Group, titled “Rapidly Increasing Criminal and Civil Monetary Penalties Against the Pharmaceutical Industry: 1991 to 2010″16:

“Of the 165 settlements comprising $19.8 billion in penalties during this 20-year interval, 73 percent of the settlements (121) and 75 percent of the penalties ($14.8 billion) have occurred in just the past five years (2006-2010). Four companies (GlaxoSmithKline, Pfizer, Eli Lilly, and Schering-Plough) accounted for more than half (53 percent or $10.5 billion) of all financial penalties imposed over the past two decades. These leading violators were among the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies.”

As I’ve reported before, pharmaceutical companies accounted for nearly 20 percent of the top 100 Corporate Criminals in the 1990’s, and there’s NO evidence to indicate that these shenanigans are in fact on the decline…

Bill Gates Connection to Glaxo Drug Fraud Scandal

Even the Gates Foundation has been linked to this massive scandal through the swinging doors of employment. According to a July 3 report by Tom Paulson on KPLU 88.517:

“Most news reports quoted GSK’s CEO Andrew Witty blaming the misconduct on others and “a different era for the company,” adding that such behavior will not be tolerated…

One of the most high-profile GSK executives alleged to have engaged in misbehavior is Tachi Yamada, former head of global health for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation who was before that head of research and development for GSK.

Yamada, while he was head of global health for Gates Fdn, was accused in a U.S. Senate hearing of bullying a scientist to not publish negative findings about a GSK diabetes drug. This was fairly big news at the time and such behavior is part of the federal complaint against the drug firm… But so far as I can tell, nobody has made any mention of Yamada’s role in this case. Yet he was pretty high profile — at the center of the controversy surrounding the drug company’s attempt to cover-up adverse side effects of its diabetes drug Avandia.

… Yamada… recently left the Gates Foundation to work for a Japanese drug company… But there’s no getting away that Yamada played a leading role in the largest health fraud case in American history and that, given his much greater influence as head of a philanthropic program that many say sets the agenda for global health, it might be worth mentioning.”

Indeed, the Gates Foundation is deeply entrenched in an unholy alliance with both Big Pharma and Monsanto. For example, 2011 Wikileaks documents detailed the alliance between the U.S. State Department and the Gates Foundation Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) to promote the private interests of Monsanto in an effort to turn Africa into a GMO-friendly continent. High level officials leading AGRA are in fact former Monsanto executives, and the Gates Foundation also owns Monsanto stock. Other ties that bind the Gates Foundation to Big Pharma and Monsanto include the following close associations:

Vice president of Monsanto Robert Horsch joined the Gates Foundation in 2006
Merck CEO Raymond Gilmartin was placed on the Gates Foundation Board of Directors in 2001
Gates invested $205 million in nine of the large pharmaceutical companies in 2002

Why are Children Sacrificed as Guinea Pigs?

GSK and the rest of the Big Pharma cronies want you to believe that “things have changed;” that they’ve “learned from their mistakes,” and that everything is fine now since the real wrongdoers like Tachi Yamada have moved on to other venues. Now, they promise, your health and well-being is at the forefront of everyone’s mind working in the pharmaceutical industry. Think again. A recent story on TechDirt.com18 really underscores the perverse nature of drug company greed:

“… Purdue Pharma, the makers of the highly addictive painkiller OxyContin, is now running clinical tests to get the FDA to approve its use for kids as young as 6-years old19.


Because the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act section 505A20 includes a little “gift”: if drugmakers conduct clinical studies for their drugs with kids, they can get six more months of patent protection. So even if they don’t even sell OxyContin to six year olds, just securing the extended patent, thanks to the massive monopoly rents given to drugs still on patent, Purdue is likely to profit massively. Lots of people are reasonably troubled by this:

“They are doing (the pediatric trial) for patent exclusivity, there’s no doubt about it in my mind — not out of largesse,” said Dr. Elliot Krane, director of pain management at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford University in Palo Alto, Calif…”

This is about as crazy as it gets, folks. How many young children could possibly be in need of a potent narcotic pain reliever like OxyContin? Not to mention the fact that this particular drug has been identified as one of the absolute most problematic in terms of drug abuse and death. To say that the incentive for this kind of drug trial is questionable would be an understatement. It’s downright abhorrent, and it speaks volumes about the ethics, or rather lack thereof, that drives the pharmaceutical industry as a whole.

Prescription Painkillers: New “Gateway Drug”

For the longest time marijuana, smoking and alcohol were the first drugs of choice by those who later may move into more hard-core drugs; hence the term “gateway drug.” But things have changed a lot in recent years. Prescription drugs—especially prescription pain killers like OxyContin—are now leading the pack as the most common “gateway” to illegal drug use, and the consequences are far deadlier.

According to a July 6 press release21:

“… Since 2000, the drugs sending people to their graves or to rehab have been shifting away from illicit drugs and toward prescription drugs. The 2011 report on the subject from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention made it clear: prescription narcotic pain reliever overdose deaths now exceed the number of deaths from heroin and cocaine combined.

For decades now, it has been usual that many young people looking for a drug to experiment with for the first time would choose marijuana… The Narconon Arrowhead drug rehabilitation program has recently uncovered a new pattern since prescription opiates have increasingly become the first drug used by many young people. This pattern is backed up by government surveyed results. According to Michael Botticelli, Director of the Massachusetts Bureau of Substance Abuse, prescription drugs now equal marijuana as entry-level drugs.

… “Our own clients and people calling in daily for information about our program or help have told us story after story about addictions starting with the use of prescription drugs,” stated Derry Hallmark, Director of Admissions at Narconon Arrowhead, a premier drug rehab facility in Southeastern Oklahoma. “Sadly, prescription medications have become the newest of the gateway drugs. Sadder still are the losses of life and other severe consequences that go hand in hand with drug abuse, which is especially the case with prescription drug abuse.”

Hallmark adds that those addicted to prescriptions will often end up needing treatment or will even start taking illicit drugs. One of the most common examples of this is the connection between those addicted to painkillers that then start taking heroin…”

Fines Alone Cannot Change Drug Co. Criminality

It has become abundantly clear that fines do NOT work. In order to see any changes whatsoever in the rampant criminal behavior enveloping the drug industry, the Justice Department must slap criminal charges on the individuals responsible for, and complicit with, these criminal acts. Quite simply, those engaging in fraud need to know they can be held personally liable and face time in federal prison for their crimes.

A number of recent articles in the press have highlighted this now obvious fact, and brought up related issues that really need to be addressed. For example, Judith Warner, writing for Time Magazine states:

“… we are confronted, yet again, with the fact that these fines, however punitive-seeming on their face, are chump change in comparison to the company’s bottom line and highly unlikely to bring real change to its — or, indeed, the industry’s — future practices… Glaxo wasn’t exactly ruined by the fines: In the years covered by the settlement, the company had earned $10.4 billion in sales of Avandia, $11.6 billion from Paxil, and $5.9 billion from Wellbutrin…

A number of commentators… argued that seeking monetary damages isn’t going to change most problematic practices of the pharmaceutical industry. Instead, they say, we should seek criminal charges against specific executives, the risk of jail time being the only way to actually change behavior. Though such a solution certainly offers the prospect of some real gut-level satisfaction, I’m not convinced that it will actually show results. (Given the enormous resources, legal and otherwise, of the drug companies, I think it’s fair to assume that they’d be quickly able to figure out methods of Teflon-shielding their executives.)

Such a strategy also doesn’t address the fundamental problems that have enabled, if not created, Big Pharma’s repeat bad behavior: a balance of power between the industry and our government that is seriously askew, and a particular lack of smart regulation… over the way information about specific drugs is controlled, verified, and disseminated.” [Emphasis mine]

She brings up an excellent point, which is that the entire system is broken and a number of changes need to be implemented to put an end to this no-holds-barred profit-driven era of faux-science-derived medicine. The health care system is driven and controlled by Big Pharma, which churns out a mind-boggling amount of faked and flawed science to justify its recommendations, while simultaneously purchasing the “right” to monopolize the health industry via strategically placed industry lackeys in various positions of political and federal power.

Still, I believe holding individuals accountable for the criminal activities performed under the auspice of corporate personhood is a must, and would serve as a good starting point to weed out the most heinous psychopaths.

Robert Reich, Chancellor’s Professor of Public Policy at the University of California and former Secretary of Labor in the Clinton administration also addressed this issue in a recent Huffington Post article, and brought up two more vital points of contention that need to be addressed22:

“… Not a single executive has been charged — even though some charges against the company are criminal. Glaxo’s current CEO came on board after all this happened. Glaxo has agreed to reclaim the bonuses of any executives who engaged in or supervised illegal behavior, but the company hasn’t officially admitted to any wrongdoing – and without legal charges against any of executive it’s impossible to know whether Glaxo will follow through… The only way to get big companies like these to change their behavior is to make the individuals responsible feel the heat.

An even more basic issue is why the advertising and marketing of prescription drugs is allowed at all, when consumers can’t buy them and shouldn’t be influencing doctor’s decisions anyway. Before 1997, the Food and Drug Administration banned such advertising on TV and radio. That ban should be resurrected.

Finally, there’s no good reason why doctors should be allowed to accept any perks at all from companies whose drugs they write prescriptions for. It’s an inherent conflict of interest. Codes of ethics that are supposed to limit such gifts obviously don’t work. All perks should be banned, and doctors that accept them should be subject to potential loss of their license to practice.” [Emphasis mine]

Final Thoughts

Mark my words, this will not be the last time we’ll learn more than we’ve ever wanted to know about the seedy underbelly of the pharmaceutical industry. The real take-home message from all this is that the ultimate responsibility for your health lies with you. Always remember that drugs are rarely anything more than a short-term band-aid to your health problems.

Some drugs are convenient short-term fixes for acute problems (like a headache), for which most of us are grateful, but problems arise when you believe the deception these multi-national drug corporations have created, and choose drugs as the long-term answer to your health challenges. It doesn’t really matter whether the drug has been approved for your particular ailment or is being recommended off-label—the risks are much the same.

Life would be grand if we could just swallow a pill and all our health problems would be solved. But believing this fairy tale will only make these companies wealthier, while putting you at risk for serious side effects or even death, like the 80,000+ men and women who chose Avandia as their band-aid solution and ended up with a drug-induced heart attack…

My advice: Strive to better understand and treat the real problem behind your medical condition. There are hundreds of thousands of pages of free information on this site designed to help you achieve that goal and help you and your family Take Control of Your Health. Remember to use the site search engine located at the top of every page to find more information on your health questions.


How Doctors Collaborate with Big Pharma: Dr. Drew’s Profiteering


Dr. Drew Pinsky sold out to GSK. The willing, even eager, collaboration of doctors with Big Pharma is one of the greatest tales of misuse of power ever known. Here’s the Pinsky tale and the implications for just one drug.

Dr. Drew PinskyBy Lynn Parramore

By now you’ve likely heard that drug maker GlaxoSmithKline must shell out $3 billion for the fraudulent sale and marketing of drugs including the popular antidepressant Wellbutrin (also sold as the smoking cessation drug Zyban). In the Big Bertha of healthcare fraud settlements, the British pharmaceutical giant has admitted to playing fast and loose in its branding of Wellbutrin and marketing it for uses not approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Wellbutrin (generic name: bupropion) has been approved to treat depression, and many claim to have been helped by it. As Zyban it has been deemed useful as an anti-smoking drug. It is not illegal for a doctor to prescribe a drug for off-label uses. But it is certainly illegal for a company to go around marketing a drug for such purposes. Department of Justice documents show that Glaxo marketed Wellubtrin for off-label use to treat a wide range of conditions, including anxiety, biopolar disorder, obesity, sexual dysfunction, weight loss, and more, despite the fact that it was not approved to treat any of them and lacked appropriate research findings to justify those uses. Consumer Reports notes that “Wellbutrin was even promoted to treat bulimia and alcohol withdrawal, two treatments that the label specifically warns against.”

Glaxo continued its marketing-on-steroids despite warnings about possible safety risks from the FDA. A favorite tactic was to lure doctors with anything from free spa treatments to outright bribes to get on board with campaigns.

Dr. Drew Pinsky, the host of TV shows including “Lifechangers” and “Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew,” was one of the doctors who threw medical ethics to the wind, hauling in $275,000 in March and April 1999 to push Wellbutrin as an antidepressant that was different from the others in not killing sex drive. The federal complaint says that Glaxo’s PR firm Cooney Waters “hired Dr. Drew Pinsky from MTV and Loveline as a spokesperson to deliver messages about WBSR [Wellbutrin] in settings where it did not appear that Dr. Pinsky was speaking for WBSR.”

Recently unsealed court records reveal that Pinsky claimed on his “Loveline” radio show that the active substance in Wellbutrin “could explain a woman suddenly having 60 orgasms in one night.” Really!

The Daily Beast reports that Paul Thacker, a former staffer for Senator Charles Grassley who participated in the lawmaker’s investigation into Glaxo and later worked for the Project on Government Oversight, said that like many, he grew up listening to Dr. Drew’s advice: “Dr. Drew was how kids in college in California learned about sex, drugs and mental-health issues.”

His abuse of the public trust should shame Pinsky forever, but what about the health and safety of all those people who were listening to his show?

You’d be hard-pressed to find a person who doesn’t want to be skinny, happy and have great sex. Which is why Glaxo put together a marketing campaign in 1999 called – incredibly — “Operation Hustle.” The DOJ complaint reveals that this was Glaxo’s full-court-press to market Wellbutrin as the “happy, horny, skinny pill.”

The FDA never said that Wellbutrin should be used for weight loss or as a libido booster. But let’s take a closer look at what the FDA does say about the drug Pinsky was touting at the Orgasmatron. Warnings issued in 2009 for bupropion point to a dark side of the medication that is not widely known. (For a complete list of possible side effects, you’ll want to peruse the FDA Web site.)

All patients being treated with bupropion for smoking cessation treatment should be observed for neuropsychiatric symptoms including changes in behavior, hostility, agitation, depressed mood, and suicide-related events, including ideation, behavior, and attempted suicide.

Serious neuropsychiatric symptoms have been reported in patients taking bupropion for smoking cessation. These have included changes in mood (including depression and mania), psychosis, hallucinations, paranoia, delusions, homicidal ideation, hostility, agitation, aggression, anxiety, and panic, as well as suicidal ideation, suicide attempt, and completed suicide.

The suicide risks associated with antidepressants have been getting most of the attention in the Glaxo scandal, particularly because the company deliberately marketed its antidepressant Paxil to young people despite a known risk of suicide. Suicidal thinking and behavior is linked to the class of drugs known as SSRIs or serotonin reuptake inhibitors, and also to Effexor, a selective serotonin norepinephrine inhibitor, and Wellbutrin, a monoamine oxidase inhibitor.

But there’s something just as shocking—if not more so—in the FDA warnings about bupropion. And it has to do with that item called “homicidal ideation.” In plain English, that means thinking about killing someone. That’s quite an alarming potential side effect, and one many people would be unlikely to accept in a drug if they were aware of it. If you combine “homicidal ideation” with the other list of potential side effects, such as “aggression, psychosis and delusions,” it’s not hard to figure out what you might come up with: violence.

Bupropion is not the only antidepressant with this risk. In fact, a recent study conducted by the Public Library of Science showed that nine out of 10 of the most popular psychiatric drugs are associated with violence, including fluoxetine (Prozac), alprazolam (Xanax) and our friend bupropion (Wellbutrin/Zyban).

Ann Blake Tracy, executive director of the International Coalition for Drug Awareness, would like to see certain drugs, including Wellbutrin, banned for this reason. In a report from the Toledo Blade on tragic events associated with their use, including murder and attempted murder, she explains her view:

“Since when is [homicidal ideation] an accepted side effect? It’s OK to kill somebody?” said an incredulous Ms. Tracy…”I think this would probably be the first time I can think of in the history of this country that we’ve allowed a drug on the market that causes homicide.”

The story of Eric Attwood, an 83-year-old from a small town near Seattle with no previous history of violence, is a case in point. He tried to kill his wife by stabbing her in February 2006. He had been taking Wellbutrin for 12 days. Defense lawyer Jeffery P. Robinson blamed the drug, and the judge was inclined to agree, ruling that he was insane at the time of the stabbing, possibly because of a reaction to medication.

According to the Associated Press report:

The couple had been married for 60 years without any domestic violence before the attack, which Robinson blamed on a sample of the prescription medication Wellbutrin that a doctor had prescribed for Attwood because his family was concerned about symptoms of depression.

There is an interesting word in the report: “sample.” Samples of drugs often seem to be hanging around in doctors’ offices and their use – popular particularly in times of economic hardship – often flies under the radar. This is yet another example of aggressive marketing that can go awry when doctors give patients free samples left by drug company reps during launches and marketing campaigns. Such samples are known to influence doctors’ prescription habits and have been criticized as potentially harmful to patients, difficult to monitor and a source of inflated costs in healthcare (the promotion of samples is expensive).

Bupropion, along with other antidepressants, has long been associated with potential dangers to people suffering from mood disorders, particularly the various forms of bipolar disorder, which is notoriously difficult to diagnose. A patient may be treated for depression, for example, when bipolar disorder, especially the less well-known and less dramatic forms such as “soft bipolar” or “bipolar II,” is the real underlying problem. If such a patient is given bupropion or an SSRI, there is a danger of what’s called a “manic flip.”

The Livestrong Web site describes this risk:

Wellbutrin can trigger manic episodes in patients that are actually suffering from bipolar disorder (manic depression) rather than clinical depression. This is a potential side effect of similar anti-depressant medications as well. Paranoid feelings, suicidal behavior and hallucinations may also be experienced by certain users. Patients experiencing these types of effects while using Wellbutrin are urged to cease product use and consult their prescribing doctors immediately.

And then there’s the problem of potential “psychosis,” which may be associated with risk factors like bipolar disorder or the simultaneous use of other drugs like benzodiazepines.

The use of more than one drug to treat mental health conditions is common. A patient suffering from anxiety and depression may be prescribed something like bupropion to treat the depression and also given benzodiazepines (Xanax, Valium, Ativan, etc.) to combat occasional bouts of anxiety. But the benzodiazepines may work to lower inhibition and inadvertently increase the potential effects of the bupropion. If those effects happen to be things like aggression, hostility, or homicidal ideation, well, you can see a potential tragedy in the making. The patient may have little understanding of such risk factors and may not know what is happening to him or her. The behavior is then often blamed on the depression or anxiety rather than the medication.

The Web site SSRI Stories (which includes other meds like Wellbutrin, which is not an SSRI), lists thousands of news reports of suicide and violent acts associated with the use of antidepressants, and includes a sortable database. To read through the list is to get a shocking glimpse into an ocean of human tragedy the illegal marketing of these drugs has likely exacerbated.

Originally published on Alternet.org.


7 Shameful Examples of Big Pharma Fraud


The next time your doctor offers you or your child a drug or vaccine, do your own research and weigh up all of the evidence because it is clear the pharmaceutical industries are lying cheats out to make a profit at any cost.

Pharma Big Poison Pillby Christina England

Over the last few months many drugs companies have hit the headlines for allegedly committing fraud, the most recent being Merck. This document reveals 7 companies who have been reported for committing fraud since January 2012.

Pharma Fraud Number 1: Merck

Recently Merck has been in the firing line for allegedly fraudulently representing the mumps component of its MMR vaccine. It has been alleged that Merck have been fraudulently informing the public that the MMR II, used to replace the MMR vaccine Pluserix, is an effective vaccine when this is not true because the studies proving the vaccines effectiveness are said to be falsified.

According to many reports the Mumps component of the vaccination is ineffective and that the results of the tests carried out on the vaccine have been altered. The Child Health Safety website(1) reporting the story states that whistleblowers working for Merck have said that they witnessed fraud firsthand when they worked for the pharmaceutical company, between 1999 and 2002, and that they were pressured to participate.

Child Health Safety have reported that virologists Stephen A. Krahling and Joan A. Wlochowski described a supervisor working for Merck manually changing test results that showed the vaccine wasn’t working and then hurriedly destroying the evidence to keep the fraud from being exposed.

According to the report the whistleblowers stated that the supervisor then lied to FDA regulators who came to the laboratories to check after they were alerted to the problem. Child Health Safety wrote:

A top Merck vaccine official told Krahling the matter was a “business decision,” the suit says, and he was twice told the company would make sure he went to jail if he told federal regulators the truth.

(Possible) Pharma Fraud Number 2: Medical Imports Ltd

If this was not bad enough Merck’s behavior is said to have left millions of children unprotected against mumps. Perhaps this is why there was a sudden rush to approve the single mumps vaccine MediMumps for use in private clincs.(2)

You may remember that a few weeks ago I reported that the MediMumps vaccine was a single mumps vaccine being advertised by the Children’s Immunization Clinic as a vaccine available from early June. Instead of being cultured on chick embryo’s the MediMumps vaccine had been cultured on dog kidney cells which was said to cause possible allergies to dogs in young children.

Since my article I have learned that this vaccine did not have a UK license when it was advertised. This was proven in an email I received from a member of the public after she had raised the question with the MHRA. The email from the MHRA customer services states:

I understand that Medi-mumps is a registered trade mark belonging to Medical Imports Ltd.

I can confirm that Medi-mumps is not the subject of a valid UK Marketing Authorisation, nor is it the subject of a Marketing Authorisation granted by the European Medicines Agency. (own emphasis)

It has also been established through telephone conversations that the advert advertising the vaccine has been removed from The Children’s Immunization Clinics website. My informant did ask if it was possible if MediMumps was in fact Pavivac but her question were met with a stony silence.

Did Medical Imports Ltd see trouble ahead for Merck and decide to go ahead and allow an unlicensed product to be advertised to meet the demands of thousands of potential parents looking for a single mumps vaccine alternative to protect their children? Lets face it big pharma never miss an opportunity to cash in where they see a possible gap in the market do they?

If so, this is what could be classified as another possible act of fraud. It certainly is a breach of advertising standards if nothing else.

Incidentally, the MediMumps vaccine also contains the Jeryl Lynn strain of mumps and is probably as useless as the mumps component in the MMR II for protecting a child against mumps!

The last few months have not only seen cases of attempted fraud by Merck and Medical Imports Ltd, many other companies have also come under attack.

Pharma Fraud 3: GlaxoSmithKIine

A few days ago GlaxoSmithKline came under fire. BBC News(3) reported that GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) is to pay $3bn (£1.9bn) in the largest healthcare fraud settlement in UShistory.

The BBC said:

The drug giant is to plead guilty to promoting two drugs for unapproved uses and failing to report safety data about a diabetes drug to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

The settlement will cover criminal fines as well as civil settlements with the federal and state governments.

The case concerns the drugs Paxil, Wellbutrin and Avandia.

In my opinion it is about time this drugs company was brought to justice. They have been in the headlines over the drug Paxil also known as Seroxat many times. The truth about this evil drug can be found on the blog Seroxat Sufferers Stand Up and Be Counted.(4) Bob Fiddaman displays many papers identifying the tainted and rather colorful history of GSK and the drug Paxil.

It may be worth mentioning at this point that GSK also manufacturers the HPV vaccination Cervarix which has also has had problems. In a promotional video(5) that I made with SaneVax a few years ago we exposed a few Cervarix flaws that GSK had apparently forgotten to mention in their 2008 advertising campaign for doctors.

Pharma Fraud 4: Roche

In June the pharmaceutical company Roche came under fire. Fierce Pharma(6) reported that the European Medicines Agency is working with national medicines agencies to investigate deficiencies in the medicine-safety reporting system of Roche. According to the report this includes looking at whether the deficiencies have an impact on the overall benefit-risk profile for any of the products involved. Fierce Pharma state:

The deficiencies are identified in a May 2012 report from the UK medicines regulatory agency (MHRA) following an inspection at Roche. This was part of a coordinated European program of routine inspection of safety reporting systems.

At the time of the inspection the company identified some 80,000 reports for medicines marketed by Roche in the USA that had been collected through a Roche-sponsored patient support program, but which had not been evaluated to determine whether or not they should be reported as suspected adverse reactions to the EU authorities. These included 15,161 reports of death of patients and it is not known whether the deaths were due to natural progression of the disease or had a causal link to the medicine. More recent information from the company indicates a smaller number of reports, but this information needs to be verified by the authorities!

After 15,161 deaths you would think someone would bother to investigate the drugs involved wouldn’t you? Whether it is negligence or fraud this should have been checked and verified surely?

Pharma Fraud 5: Pfizer

Again in June we see another company come under fire. Pfizer, hit the headlines for you guessed it for deceiving the public. According to Recall Lawyers(7) an email circulated by a Pfizer research director indicated that a study conducted to determine whether Celebrex an arthritis drug was safer on the stomach than other drugs–such as ibuprofen–was falsely represented. The website states:

According to news reports, Celebrex is no better at protecting the stomach from serious complications than other drugs. Pfizer and its partner, Pharmacia, were able to misrepresent Celebrex as a safer alternative because they only released the results of half of a yearlong study. The email states, “[t]hey swallowed our story, hook, line and sinker.”

Not such a great email after all, as the perpetrator has now been exposed!

Recall Lawyers wrote:

The email, sent in 2000, is among one of thousands of internal documents recently unsealed. And while the company’s handling of Celebrex has been known for years, since 2001 when the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released the entire study, the unsealed documents point to a widespread effort on the part of Pfizer to promote the drug in ways not necessarily backed up by medical science, and to overcome the doubts of critics. The study which formed the subject of the researcher’s email was critical to Pfizer’s Celebrex campaign–Pfizer’s main selling point of the drug was its mild effect on the stomach.

I feel that the words ‘to promote the drug in ways not necessarily backed up by medical science, speak volumes and that this is practice is more widely spread than any of us could ever imagine.

Pharma Fraud 6: Abbott Laboratories

In May of this year Abbott Laboratories pleaded guilty and agreed to pay $1.5 billion for unlawfully promoting the prescription drug Depakote for uses not approved safe and effective by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

According to a press release from The United States Department of Justice,(8) Abbott pleaded guilty on the 7thMay 2012 to misbranding Depakote by promoting the drug to control agitation and aggression in elderly dementia patients and to treat schizophrenia when neither of these uses was approved by the FDA.

The press release states:

Abbott admits that from 1998 through 2006, the company maintained a specialized sales force trained to market Depakote in nursing homes for the control of agitation and aggression in elderly dementia patients, despite the absence of credible scientific evidence that Depakote was safe and effective for that use. In addition, from 2001 through 2006, the company marketed Depakote in combination with atypical antipsychotic drugs to treat schizophrenia, even after its clinical trials failed to demonstrate that adding Depakote was any more effective than an atypical antipsychotic alone for that use.

I believe this to be a terrible act of fraud because it puts many vulnerable elderly patients at risk. The FDA originally approved the drug for epileptic seizures, bipolar mania and the prevention of migraines. The press release clearly states that this drug was never approved for controlling behavioral disturbances in dementia patients. This was because the drug was found to be dangerous in elderly patients causing some of them to suffer from dehydration and anorexia after using this drug. This as we all know is extremely dangerous especially in the elderly.

Pharma Fraud 7: Takeda Pharmaceuticals

Finally on my wall of shame is Takeda Pharmaceuticals. In March 2012 Ury & Moscow L.L.C.(9) stated that Takeda was in court for failing to report that their diabetes drug Actos has been found to lead to bladder cancer and congestive heart failure.

They wrote:

Actos, which is manufactured by Takeda Pharmaceuticals, has been used by thousands of patients in the U.S. to help treat diabetes. However, after further studies revealed that the drug is linked to increasing one’s risk of developing bladder cancer, thousands of claims have since been filed against Takeda for failing to adequately warn consumers about the dangerous side effects of its diabetes drug.

Later in the report it says:

According to the lawsuit, Takeda encouraged its medical reviewers to incorrectly classify some of the reports of congestive heart failure. Although some reports of the medical condition should have been classified as serious adverse effects, Takeda asked those who initially classified some of the reports as being serious to change their opinions, the lawsuit claims. The former Takeda employee who filed the whistle-blower lawsuit claims that she attempted to protest this practice, but when she did, she was fired by the drugmaker.

It is clear that Takeda along with all the other companies on my wall of shame will do anything for financial gain, even putting vulnerable ill and disabled patients at risk.

Looking back over the last year I found report after report proving that pharmaceutical companies are lying, under reporting and covering up crucial evidence in a bid to mislead the public into buying and using dangerous drugs and vaccines. I suggest on the face of this evidence alone next time your doctor offers you or your child a drug or vaccine that you do your own research and weigh up all of the evidence because it is clear the pharmaceutical industries are lying cheats out to make a profit at any cost.Source


GlaxoSmithKline used orphans for HIV trials

NEW YORK: GlaxoSmithKline embroiled in scandal in which
babies and children were allegedly used as `laboratory

ORPHANS and babies as young as three months old have
been used as guinea pigs in potentially dangerous medical
experiments sponsored by pharmaceutical companies.

British drug giant GlaxoSmithKline is embroiled in the
scandal. The firm sponsored experiments on the children
from Incarnation Children’s Centre, a New York care home
that specialises in treating HIV sufferers and is run by
Catholic charities.

The children had either been infected with HIV or born to
HIV-positive mothers. Their parents were dead, untraceable
or deemed unfit to look after them.

According to documents, Glaxo has sponsored at least four
medical trials since 1995 using Hispanic and black children
at Incarnation.

The documents give details of all clinical trials in the US
and reveal the experiments sponsored by Glaxo were
designed to test the `safety and tolerance’ of Aids
medications, some of which have potentially dangerous side
effects. Glaxo manufactures a number of drugs designed to
treat HIV, including AZT.

Normally trials on children would require parental consent
but, as the infants are in care, New York’s authorities hold
that role.

The city health department has launched an investigation
into claims that more than 100 children at Incarnation were
used in 36 experiments – at least four co-sponsored by

Some of these trials were designed to test the `toxicity’ of
Aids medications. One involved giving children as young as
four a high-dosage cocktail of seven drugs at one time.
Another looked at the reaction in six-month-old babies to a
double dose of measles vaccine.

Most experiments were funded by federal agencies like the
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Until
now Glaxo’s role had not emerged. In 1997 an experiment
co-sponsored by Glaxo used children from Incarnation to
`obtain tolerance, safety and pharmacokinetic’ data for
Herpes drugs. In a more recent experiment, the children
were used to test AZT. A third experiment sponsored by
Glaxo and US drug firm Pfizer investigated the `long-term
safety’ of anti-bacterial drugs on three-month-old babies.

Fishy studies by Big Pharma

In a study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, researchers concluded that omega 3 supplements, like natural fish oil, “do not prevent cardiovascular disease.” But these studies were on high risk patients with known heart problems and on every med from stain drugs to ACE inhibitors, beta blockers, aspirin and no telling what else. In addition, these studies were short-term with as little as 400 mg of fish oil and some were even mixed with chemical based margarine. This report was also done with the deliberate exclusion of many beneficial studies with the same risk groups.

Studies and reports like this come out to make natural supplements look bad and make toxic drugs look good. Big Pharma is out to counterfeit and patent everything natural that is good for you. Without that patent, Big Pharma cannot control the money, and it’s really all about the money. There is an old Big Pharma trick of coming out with a patented form of a natural supplement and then dissing the natural with every bit of bad studies possible.

Case and point
Fish oil based Lovaza is a DRUG that has side effects – including death. Treatment with Lovaza can actually increase LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol). Lovaza does not exist in nature; man has to make it chemically. Why do we need an estherized version of fish oil? We don’t… Esterification strips nutrient cofactors away and renders the God-given fish oil form less nutritious.

Glaxo Smith Kline says they make Lovaza from all natural fish oil and claim that their chemicalized nutrient (drug), along with diet changes and exercise, can lower your blood cholesterol.

Diet changes and exercise lowers cholesterol without toxic medications! According to the Mayo Clinic, “Lifestyle changes can help reduce cholesterol, keep you off cholesterol-lowering medications or enhance the effect of your medications.” Of course, the cholesterol witch-hunt is all bogus as high cholesterol is only a symptom of inflammation in the body. Big Pharma meds only treat or mask symptoms while causing a plethora of “side effects”.

Well here’s another news flash: There are no such things as “side effects” as they are all effects. Make no mistake, ALL drugs have side effects, even aspirin. If you take any drug, even once, you will have side effects.

Big Pharma is not interested in your health
Gwen Olson, a fifteen-year veteran of the pharmaceutical industry, says that pharmaceutical companies are not in the business of health and healing, but instead, in the business of disease maintenance and symptom management. They are not in the business to cure cancer, Alzheimer’s, diabetes or heart disease because, if they were, they would be in the business of putting themselves out of business. The Big Pharma juggling-act-balance is keeping you sick enough to need their concocted drugs and well enough to stay alive – and paying your bills.

Learn more:

The real root of all evil in the World- debt & "The Banksters"

The real root of all evil in the World- debt & “The Banksters”

The World is waking up to the financial crimes of the elite Global bankers who control our Money Supply, Central Banks and most of the ‘private’ banks around the World- including what we are taught to refer to as “The Aussie Banks”.

They have printed more money in the past 10 years in the USA than in the rest of its history. This new money weakens the value of the money people already have/own/hold, causing inflation and a decrease in purchasing power as well as devaluing any assets or cash you hold.

New Zealand is not as prolific at printing money as the Americans or Europeans are, but due to the “Globalization” con, each time any Central Bank overseas prints/ creates money it puts fake money in the hands of overseas investors which by its nature devalues anything NZ owns or sells – in this banker controlled Global Market at least. This process of printing money in fact devalues the value of the NZD and is a basically a hidden tax on us all. Printing money and spending it where you please is great for those you give the money to, but just a passive tax on the rest of the World.

All these facts are carefully explained in the Money Masters video- but we have first posted the SOLUTION / conclusion to this con/ fraud below: STOP PRINTING MONEY. All the bankers & financial media whores know this is the solution but will not speak up because they are ALL on the money printing gravy train- a gravy train which steals money from all citizens of the World and can only end in total collapse sooner or later.

These are the Globalist criminal bankers who pumped up NZ’s finance and property markets with credit and then collapsed them to weaken NZ and put Kiwis in debt so that the oil companies they own could get in here and drill up our Coast lines and environment:

Learn how these Globalist criminals use the money supply and central banks they own/ control to pump up markets in Countries, then short sell and collapse those markets for their own profit, or to weaken Nations with oil/ minerals/ resources so they can come back in with loans, sponsor corrupt politicians and media and control those Nations.

John Key worked for both Goldman Sachs and Merrill Lynch and is little more than their little half Jewish lapdog here to work for their goals/ profit- not ours. Goldman Sachs, owned by Jewish/ Zionists have purchased half our media in NZ (Mediaworks via their fund Ironbridge), they control the other half with loans, trusts, hedge funds and debt, including Fairfax and APN, they have corner stone interests in Kiwirail (since John Key sold it to them) and also Envirowaste, so they ship the toxic chemicals from drilling and fracking around our Country.

These are the same esoteric Nazis that funded Hitler in WWII and even carried out 9-11 so the USA would fight Israel’s wars for them in the Middle East- again all for oil (and opium – the Royal Family of England criminals have run the opium trade World Wide since the 1600’s, before they discovered more money in oil – and now run other new age drug markets such as Meth via companies such as GlaxoSmithKline). They own big tobacco, big alcohol, big oil and big pharmaceutical and have profited throughout history on the suffering they impose on others.

This video will blow your mind wide open – exactly the way it was meant to be- time to wake up slaves!

This is possibly the most important video you can watch- and just shows how corrupt our whole so called ‘democracy’ really is- and how they hide all these truths and facts from education/ media/ books etc…..keeping all the tax payer slaves ignorant and at their disposal.


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