Tag Archives: Gregory Jaczko

Fukushima is falling apart:Radioactive Rain

Readers, I am truly shocked at the continuing lack of so called “media” reporting about the still ongoing disaster at Fukushima, Japan. It has been over a year now since at least 3 nuclear reactors at the TEPCO Nuclear Power facility at Fukushima failed, and went into full meltdown, and in spite of the lack of any reports from our Jewish controlled Mainstream media, the situation there is absolutely NOT under control, and in fact… The worst case scenario may be right around the corner….

Right now, I want to present the following video that comes from the “EnviroReporter”, who has been taking radiation readings in Southern California for some time now. This latest video is entitled: “LA Rain Radiation Over Five Times Normal”, and shows definitive evidence that we here in North America are still being doused by high levels of Fukushima radiation over a year since the disaster initially took place. Here is that video, and my own comments to follow:

NTS Notes: First, I want to present a short report by EnviroReporter detailing the findings of this video here:

An imperfect storm swept into Southern California on, perhaps appropriately enough, April Fools weekend creating the conditions that tested EnviroReporter.com’s scientific hypothesis that radioactive “buckyballs” and other fission radionuclides from the triple Fukushima Japan meltdowns are already impacting the region. Sure enough, a rain composed primarily of sea mist formed over a choppy ocean with high winds tested higher than any other Los Angeles Basin rain since Radiation Station Santa Monica began fallout radiation tests March 15, 2011, four days after the unabated meltdowns began. The rain, not impacted by so-called “natural” radon progeny, came in at a whopping 506% above normal, more than high enough to qualify as a hazardous material situation for the California Highway Patrol. This is the hottest L.A. rain detected with our Inspector Alert nuclear radiation monitor in the over 1,500 radiation tests we’ve taken since last year’s Ides of March.

Again, I am troubled by how our governments and media have failed to report the truths about this ongoing disaster… And the silence is deafening!

As I stated, the worst of this disaster may be coming very soon. As even EnviroReporter stated in this video, Reactor 4 at Fukushima is in danger of its fuel rod storage facility collapsing. If that happens, then we could see a fissioning of the radioactive rods themselves, and a massive unleashing of deadly radiation that could spell the end of Japan as we know it… It could also see radiation levels in fallout over North America that could eclipse last year’s high levels….

Readers, take this information, pass it around, and demand that full disclosure of the real situation in Japan be told to the public. People do deserve the truth, no matter how dire the situation may be….


he Fukushima Nuclear Disaster: Fukushima Is Falling Apart – Are You Ready?

There have been a few critics of my constant flow of articles exposing the truth about the situation with the failed nuclear reactors at Fukushima Japan.  I say to these so called critics that they should not be shooting the messenger, but instead going after the liars in our media and our own governments for failing to tell everyone the truth about the situation, considering that now we know the situation is very dire indeed!

I came across a very shocking report that I want to share with my own readers here.  It comes from the website: End The Lie, at http://www.endthelie.com, from one of the site’s writers, Christina Consolo.   The title of the article is: “Fukushima Is Falling Apart: Are You Ready?”, and it gives a very shocking and truthful view of exactly what is going on with the nuclear disaster at Fukushima, and the very dire consequences that we may all shortly face if and when the spent fuel rod pool sitting above failed reactor #4 suddenly collapses.

I have that entire End The Lies article right here for everyone to read for themselves, and of course I have my own comments to follow:

Fukushima is falling apart: are you ready?

By Christina Consolo
Contributing writer for End the Lie and host of Nuked Radio

Thirteen months have passed since the Fukushima reactors exploded, and a U.S. Senator finally got off his ass and went to Japan to see what is going on over there.

What he saw was horrific.

And now he is saying that we are in big trouble.

See the letter he sent to U.S. Ambassador to Japan Ichiro Fujisaki, Secretary of Energy Steven Chu, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and NRC’s Chairman Gregory Jaczko here.

But what is so ironic about this is that we have been in this heap of trouble since March of 2011. March 17th, to be exact, when the plume of radioactive materials began bombarding the west coast of California.
And Oregon. And Washington. And British Columbia. And later Maine, Europe, and everywhere in between.

Independent researchers, nuke experts, and scientists, from oceanography to entomology and everywhere in between, having been trying to sound the alarm ever since.

The scientists most upset are those who have studied the effects of radiation on health. I’ll say it again, so its really clear: we are in big trouble.

The most preliminary reports of soil contamination are starting to come in from the USGS, who has seemed reluctant to share this information. Los Angeles, California, Portland, Oregon, and Boulder, Colorado, so far have the highest radioactive particle contamination out of the entire US.

That being said, every single city tested across the country showed contamination from Fukushima. What is even more alarming, however, about the numbers coming in, is that they are from samples taken April 5th, of last year.

The Tokyo Electric Power Company, or TEPCO, has only recently confirmed that there were three meltdowns, and they have been ongoing, unabated, for thirteen months, and no effort has been made to contain them.

Technology has to be developed/invented to deal with the melted out corium under the reactors. Until then, they will keep doing what they have been doing.

TEPCO just keeps dumping water on them, after which they let it pour into the ocean, and steam up through the ground, every second of every day. The jet stream, and a highly dynamic portion of our atmosphere called the troposphere, have been swirling around massive amounts of radioactive particles and settling them out, mostly in rain, over the entire northern hemisphere, especially the west coast of North America, from Alaska down to Baja and even further.

Iodine, cesium, strontium, plutonium, uranium, and a host of other fission products have been coming directly from Japan to the west coast for thirteen months.

Maybe you have heard about sick seals, polar bears, tainted fish, mutations in dandelions and fruits and vegetables, possibly even animals already, and seaweed. In fact the kelp from Corona del Mar contained 40,000,000 bcq/kg of radioactive iodine, as reported in Scientific American several weeks ago.

If you don’t know your becquerels, its a lot. That’s what your pacific fish feed on. And that was only ONE isotope reported. There were up to 1600 different isotopes that have been floating around in our air, pouring out of the reactors, and steaming out of the ground, every second of every day, for 13 months.

And there has been silence from our mainstream media, for which the depths of depravity are so severe I will devote an entire article just to the “why” at a future time.

But back to the research: reports in the past week indicate the pollen in southern California is radioactive now too, and it is flying around, and if you live there and go outside, you are breathing it in. And so are your children.

Along with fission products blowing over from Japan. And radiation in your drinking water. And in your rain. And in the fish you are eating. And your vegetables. And the milk supply. And its happening every second, of every day. For 13 months. Are you starting to see a problem here?

Problem is, that’s not even the biggest problem. The biggest problem is what Senator Wyden is all bent out of shape about, even though independent researchers and nuke experts have been warning about this for a year.

And that is that the Reactor #4 building is on the verge of collapsing. Seismicity standards rate the building at a zero, meaning even a small earthquake could send it into a heap of rubble. And sitting at the top of the building, in a pool that is cracked, leaking, and precarious even without an earthquake, are 1565 fuel rods (give or take a few), some of them “fresh fuel” that was ready to go into the reactor on the morning of March 11th when the earthquake and tsunami hit.

If they are MOX fuel, containing 6% plutonium, one fuel rod has the potential to kill 2.89 billion people. If this pool collapses, as Senator Wyden is now saying too, we would face a mass extinction event from the release of radiation in those rods.

That is, if we aren’t in one already. Nuke experts like Arnie Gundersen and Helen Caldicott are prepared to evacuate their families to the southern hemisphere if that happens. It is that serious.

So now you know, if you didn’t before. We are in big trouble.

Get informed. Start paying attention to this. Every single statement in this article is verifiable, and I will continue to verify and validate the seriousness of this situation at every opportunity I have.

This may be the most important thing you ever pay attention to, for the sake of your family, friends, your neighbors, every one you know and meet, all of humanity.
It’s been thirteen months, you have some catching up to do.

NTS Notes:  It does appear that I have been right all along about the true situation happening right now at Fukushima.  And I am proven correct that our media and our own governments have purposely spun a web of lies to keep the truth about how bad the situation truly is away from the general public.

It is absolutely imperative that everyone push and demand their governments to come clean and warn everyone about the situation so that the public can at least prepare for the worst case scenario.  I have long said that we can always hope for the best, but must be fully prepared for the worst.

My recommendation is that people everywhere around the world must demand an immediate cessation of the buildup for war against Iran and instead demand the situation at Fukushima take precedence above everything else.   A solution must be created, no matter the cost, and very soon.   The entire northern hemisphere is at stake.

More to come

TEPCO has been falsifying their Fukushima reports

April 21, 2012

The problems at reactor 4 are the greatest short-term threat to humanity and has the potential to destroy our world and TEPCO doesn’t have the money to fix them.

The problem at Fukushima nuclear reactor 4 which is being dubbed as the greatest short-term threat to humanity and has the potential to destroy our world and civilization as we know it.

Now nuclear engineer Arnie Gundersen who is one of the only people providing objective scientific analysis about the Fukushima nuclear fallout believes based on his analysis of the problems that TEPCO simply doesn’t have enough money to deal with the issues there.

He says this at about 25:00 minutes into a recent program on WBAI’s Five O’Clock Shadow.

Title: Arnie Gundersen Interview
Source: WBAI’s Five O’Clock Shadow
Date: Tuesday April 17, 2012 5:00pm

At ~25:00 in

Host: What about the humpty-dumpty tank in Unit No. 4?

Gundersen: I don’t think Tepco has enough money to tackle the problems that it’s facing.

Source: EneNews

To put it simply, the nuclear fuel rods in reactor 4 are sitting inside of a pool of water that is preventing them from melting down completely and release massive amounts of radiation far beyond what already has been released.

The structural integrity of the building has been damaged so greatly that it appears that the reactor 4 building is leaning and officials around the world, including US senators, are warning even a minor earthquake could make it collapse.

If the water leaks out of the pool or the reactors come into open contact with the air there will be devastating consequences for all of humanity.

Besides Gundersen’s assertion that TEPCO doesn’t have enough money to deal with the problem, there have also been reports in the Japanese media that TEPCO isn’t dealing with the situation as they should because the cost would hurt their stock price.

Of course that could change with the recent speculation that TEPCO will be nationalized by the government of Japan but know one knows if nationalization will actually happen or the government is just allowing the cost of the disaster to be placed on the backs of taxpayers.

Furthermore no one knows the true extent of the disaster as a former Fukushima worker has just turned whisteblower and reported TEPCO has been falsifying their reports.

At 0:48 in

NARRATOR: Kimura used to operate the reactors and maintained the fuel rods at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. He confessed that TEPCO has deceived the government, which regulates the nuclear power plants, in a number of ways.

KIMURA: As a part of operational management of the nuclear power plant, we used to rewrite the daily operative reports. We used to access the computer to falsify the data when things weren’t going our way.

TEPCO is no alone with in their cover up as the government of Japan is current experiencing infighting in regard to revelation after revelation over the last year of a cover up by government officials.

Documents obtained from the US government through FOIA requests, being dubbed Plume-Gate by the alternative media, reveal the US has colluded in the cover up of the disaster as well.

While traveling in Japan several weeks ago, Fairewinds’ Arnie Gundersen took soil samples in Tokyo public parks, playgrounds, and rooftop gardens. All the samples would be considered nuclear waste if found here in the US. This level of contamination is currently being discovered throughout Japan. At the US NRC Regulatory Information Conference in Washington, DC March 13 to March 15, the NRC’s Chairman, Dr. Gregory Jaczko emphasized his concern that the NRC and the nuclear industry presently do not consider the costs of mass evacuations and radioactive contamination in their cost benefit analysis used to license nuclear power plants. Furthermore, Fairewinds believes that evacuation costs near a US nuclear plant could easily exceed one trillion dollars and contaminated land would be uninhabitable for generations.

Tokyo Soil Samples Would Be Considered Nuclear Waste In The US from Fairewinds Energy Education on Vimeo.

About this video

Video transcript

[BEGIN: RIC Conference Footage]

NRC Chairman Jaczko: The events at Fukushima reinforce that any nuclear accident with public health and safety or environmental consequences of that magnitude, is inherently unacceptable. But we focussed on the radiological consequences of this event. I believe we cannot ignore the large social and economic consequences such an event poses to any country with a nuclear facility that deals with such a crisis.

In Japan, more than 90,000 people remain displaced from their homes and land, with some having no prospect for a return to their previous lifestyle in the foreseeable future. While not easy to characterize, these are significant hardships on these people and they are inherently unacceptable. So as we look to the future and we look in a proactive way, we ultimately will have to address the issue of how do we deal with nuclear events that lead to significant land contamination. And displacement, perhaps permanently, of people from their homes and their livelihoods and their communities.

[END: RIC Conference Footage]

Arnie Gundersen: What you have just heard was the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s chairman, Gregory Jaczko, saying that the NRC does not take in to account mass evacuations and people not getting back on their land for centuries when it does a cost benefit analysis as to whether or not a nuclear plant should be licensed.

I am Arnie Gundersen from Fairewinds and today I am at the Regulatory Information Conference put on by the NRC in Washington D.C.

So today, I am in Washington D.C. Couple of weeks ago though, I was in Tokyo and when I was in Tokyo, I took some samples. Now, I did not look for the highest radiation spot. I just went around with five plastic bags and when I found an area, I just scooped up some dirt and put it in a bag. One of those samples was from a crack in the sidewalk. Another one of those samples was from a children’s playground that had been previously decontaminated. Another sample had come from some moss on the side of the road. Another sample came from the roof of an office building that I was at. And the last sample was right across the street from the main judicial center in downtown Tokyo. I brought those samples back, declared them through Customs, and sent them to the lab. And the lab determined that ALL of them would be qualified as radioactive waste here in the United States and would have to be shipped to Texas to be disposed of.

Now think about the ramifications for the nation’s capital, whether it is Tokyo or the United States. How would you like it if you went to pick your flowers and were kneeling in radioactive waste? That is what is happening in Tokyo now. And I think that is the point that Chairman Jaczko was trying to make. When the Nuclear Regulatory Commission does it’s cost benefit analyses now, it does not take into account the cost to society if you have to evacuate for generations or if you have to move 100,000 people, perhaps forever.

There is a hundred miles between us and a dozen nuclear power plants here in Washington D.C. Fukushima was almost 200 miles away from Tokyo, and yet Tokyo soil in some places, the ones I just happened to find, would qualify as radioactive waste here in the United States.

How would we feel if our nation’s capital were contaminated to that degree? So I agree with Chairman Jaczko, new nukes and old nukes that are being re-licensed should include as a cost in their analysis what we have learned to be happening in Tokyo and in Japan.

Thank you very much and I will keep you informed.

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